Special Discourse

Goddess of Purity

May 6th 1990

Hail, Beloved of the Light, it is my great privilege to serve the Omnipotent Presence of the Father-Mother God as we are joined together in the service of intensified cleansing of the Planet.

Purity is a Substance! Please accept my Purity today! You do not lose something when you invoke Purity; you are given permanent Peace, Comfort and Balance. By such invocation you open your emotional, mental, etheric and physical bodies to me, that I may pour into them that quickening radiation of Cosmic Purity which "I AM".

As you call daily on the Law of Forgiveness for your own misuse of Life Energy, accept my Gift of Purity in its place so you can outpicture the Holy Christ Selfbecoming a Holy Grail.

Purity is very essential for the use of the two activities of the Sacred Fire¾Precipitation and Etherealization. In Precipitation¾Purity is necessary to the manifestation of a clear distinct, perfect pattern in the inner realms and in the world of form. In Etherealization¾it is necessary for the four lower vehicles, so Life can be released from form to go on to greater service; the lesson of 'loosing and letting go'. The Ascended Beings, Angels, and Builders of Form use life only as God intended it to be used.... to give some Blessing.

"I AM" Astraea, the Goddess of Purity. This fact will serve to identify me with the Cosmic Circle and Sword of Blue Flame, which I use at every opportunity for the Purification of Planet Earth and the Human Family.

Without Purity, true Peace cannot manifest. We of the Cosmic and Ascended Host hold within our Beings all the Purity which is required for this Planet. I stand ready always with the Circle and Sword of Blue Flame, and with the Legions of Purity at my command go into action on the instant, but the demand for this Service must be made from some unascended part of Humanity.

"I AM" grateful for this opportumty to assure you that your calls to me and the Legions of the Circle and Sword of Blue Flame have swept away countless  tons of effluvia from Planet Earth.

Remember―"I AM" always close to your heart calland ever await the summons to render the service of freeing any part of Lifeanywhere.


 Goddess of Purity







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