
Sitting quietly and feeling a deep desire to let go of all thoughts, tensions and concerns, gently close your eyes and take a deep and relaxing breath. As you do so, your attention centers upon the Flame within your heart, and immediately you feel the light begin to expand outward until it completely enfolds you. Continuing to breathe rhythmically, and feeling very protected and quiet, you remain centered in your Three-fold Flame.

Now the Flame begins a gentle spiraling activity, and you rise in consciousness and find yourself standing at the edge of a large oasis. Although you can see the desert behind you, stretching out to the perimeters of your vision, you stand in a place of quiet beauty. The desert sunshine is tempered with cool breezes, and there are palm trees, olive trees, hibiscus, and other beautiful plantings on either side of a path that is open before you. As you adjust to your surroundings, the sound of music reaches your ears, and you begin to follow the path toward the sound.

Placed at intervals along the path are beautiful benches of the purest white marble. People are seated on some of the benches, talking quietly or meditating. You recognize some of these people as your co-servers and fellow chelas. Now there are other people upon the path, and you see that many of them are in need of healing, seeming downcast in attitude, or with some physical problem. All are steadily moving forward, each at his own pace, drawn by the same beautiful music that you hear. Remaining silent, you continue to move forward with the others upon this path.

In the center of the oasis, which is just ahead of you now, stands a large, columned structure. It, too, is of pure, white marble, and is open to the clear blue sky overhead. In the ethers above the Temple there are choirs of Angelic Beings, who are singing songs of unimaginable beauty. No words are discernable, but only harmonies and blending of music such as can scarcely be described. For a few moments you pause, and let the music become a part of you. When you have done this, you move forward again.

Drawing closer to the Temple, you see that many Violet Fire Angels are present, and one of them approaches you. She takes your hands in hers, and, as she looks deeply into your eyes, you know that she wants you to go with her. Filled with the radiance of Her love, you are led between the columns, and in the center of this Temple you see the most beautiful pool imaginable. It is filled with water that is so charged by the Violet Transmuting Flame that the water itself is a clear, deep amethyst color. There are steps on all sides leading down into the pool. The Angels are greeting the many visitors who have come, and then they gently lead them down the steps and into the pool. There, they stand with each one, bathing them lovingly with the liquid Violet Flame until all signs of sorrow or physical problems have completely disappeared. Never have you seen a more beautiful or touching scene.

Now, your Angel leads you into the pool, and as she begins the sacred ritual of pouring the crystal Violet waters over you, every last vestige of misqualified energy you have ever created is washed away, leaving only the pure Light of God in its place. You feel the purifying, transmuting activity taking place in, through and around your entire being. Tears of joy and release well up from the very center of your heart, and flow back into the pool. Your tears add the quality of your love, compassion, and joy of forgiveness to the waters, where they will always remain to help bathe away the troubles of others who will come. After awhile, you are gently led to the other side of the pool and up the steps.

Feeling a desire to embrace your Angel Friend, you look again into her eyes, and at once you are merged with her until you are ONE Being of Light! Experiencing this unity with the Violet Fire Angel, you know in your innermost heart that you will be helping with this merciful activity from this time forth, bringing surcease from all the conditions set up by human consciousness in the Earth. You know that you are truly a part of the healing activity of the Sacred Violet Flame of Transmutation, Mercy, Forgiveness and Freedom.

Filled with love and gratitude, you once again take a deep breath. As you release it, you find yourself back in the physical location from which you began your journey. Immediately, you send a Ray of Light to your Angel, although you know in your heart of hearts that she will never leave you!  






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