
Lady Donna Grace

July 26, 1991

Dearest Friends,

I AM Donna Grace, Archaii of the Sixth Ray of God's Peace, Healing, and Service, and I AM happy to be with you today. I enfold you, each one, in the spiraling radiation of My Rose-Pink Essence, bringing to you the Spirit of God's Grace. Take a few moments to rest in the radiation of my Love, permitting it to awaken in you a remembrance of our friendship and the feeling of my presence, for it is often with you.

Oh, Beloved Ones, many are the times that I have held you within my arms, bathing you in the Grace of God, in response to your calls! When you wept, feeling the sorrows of the Earth, I dried your tears with the hem of my Robe, and lifted your face to the warmth and light of the Sun! When you felt alone and fearful, our Angels rushed to your side, to lift you and hold you up, until your strength and faith returned. Over and over, through the centuries, as you cried out for assistance, we have bathed you in God's Grace, until you were strengthened, healed, and enabled to go forward into greater Light.

Today, I stand before you as a Witness to the Light which now pours forth through you from the Presence of God 'I AM'! Where, centuries ago, I beheld you in darkness, I now see living Chalices of Light! Where once I saw Spirit Sparks so small, they could hardly be discerned, I now see Heart Flames that blaze forth within your Mighty Mantles of Light, surrounding you with living, moving light patterns that merge with one another. It is so beautiful, and my own Heart Flame rushes forth to unite with your combined Chalice of Light.

The Activity of God's Grace has been the springboard of salvation for countless members of the race, since the first human being shaded their eyes from the Light of God. Grace is considered to be a mystical activity, mysterious and miraculous in nature. The fact of the matter is, Grace is one of the most natural and practical attributes of the Divine Nature, wherein the Heart Flames of God-free Beings unite to kindle the Heart Flames of those who are still bound in distress. I would like to describe the Activity of Light which takes place when the Grace of God is brought to bear upon a lifestream, who is spiritually unawakened.

Each embodied lifestream is accompanied at all times by a Guardian Angel. These Guardian Angels belong to a special order within the Legions of Beloved Uriel and myself. Their sole function is to keep guard over the Three-fold Flame in the heart of the lifestream they have vowed to protect, giving whatever protection and encouragement they can to help awaken their charge.

When the weight of discordant energy returning to an individual is very great, and that one is largely unconscious of the Spark of Divinity within their heart center, it often happens that such a one succumbs to the illusion which surrounds them. When the attention of that lifestream becomes dangerously enmeshed in the outer appearances, the tiny Three-fold Flame in the heart may desire to withdraw for protection into the Presence from which it descended. At such a time, the Guardian Angel may not interfere, as they are bound by the Cosmic Law, which states that the call must come from the octave in which the assistance is needed.

Can you imagine the love and dedication to Divine Principle embodied in these Guardian Angels, who must stay with the individuals they have vowed to assist, lifetime after lifetime, often unable to intercede simply because there are no calls made?

However, in conditions of extremity, when a call for help is given from a lifestream involved in darkness, or by another person on his behalf, the Guardian Angel goes into action instantly. The call for assistance is drawn through the body of the Guardian, where it is amplified and sent forth into the heart of the nearest Silent Watcher. The Silent Watcher then alerts the Legions of Uriel that a member of the race of man is in need of ministration.

The number of Angels of Ministration who are dispatched to the lifestream vary according to the need. In cases where the Heart Flame is on the brink of actual withdrawal, ten or more Angels may be dispatched at once. These Angels, along with the Guardian of the one in distress, stand in a circular formation around the great Electronic Presence of the lifestream. Using Their tremendous powers of Invocation, and working in unity with the I AM Presence, they draw forth great rays of pure primal substance, rays of God Light from the Heart of the Universal. They direct that Light through Their Hearts into the Silver cord, which leads from the Heart of the I AM Presence, through the Inner Christ, and on to the physical heart of the individual. In great rhythmic pulsations, this Light moves through the Silver Cord to the remaining Spark of Divinity, kindling that Spark into the Three-fold Flame.

As the Three-fold Flame blazes upward, the Holy Christ Self is empowered, and the consciousness of the individual begins to vibrate in attunement with it. The mental and emotional bodies are sublimated to whatever extent possible, as the attributes of Divine Love, Illumination, and God's Will are radiated through the four lower vehicles.

The individual will feel an immediate abatement of discord. As well, to some conscious degree, they will experience an awakening from the deep sleep of human consciousness to the Light of God! The Angels who surround the I AM Presence of the person will continue feeding the Flame, and holding the momentum of Grace, until the lifestream is able to utilize the Qualities of Divinity which radiate forth from the newly kindled Heart Flame.

Once a lifestream has been the recipient of the Grace of God, they will never again be without the Activity of Grace in their life. While Grace may be perceived as the act of kindling the Three-fold Flame in the heart, it actually is the process of change which ensues after that Flame is kindled. This is a very important point; Grace is a process, not merely an event! Once a person has opened the door to an awareness of their own God Presence through a cry for help, that help is never withdrawn, for that door can be shut by no man!

Each of you who listen to my words today has been a recipient of God's Grace, and that Grace is even now a working momentum which pushes you forward at all times toward your Victory in the Light! As recipients of Grace, it becomes your responsibility to dispense that Grace upon those lifestreams around you, who are as yet unwilling or unable to ask for themselves, for whatever reason.

Every time you reach out your hand to a fellow traveler; every time you consciously call to the Light on behalf of another human being, you are acting as a channel for the Grace of God to move into the world of form. I urge you to never turn your attention away from a lifestream in distress! Yours may be the only call that We receive from the world of formthe one call which will enable us to go into action! I would also remind you that the stronger the call, the stronger and swifter the response.

As Chelas of the Great White Brotherhood, the vows you took at inner levels are very similar to my own; to dispense the Grace of God in all its aspects, until all life stands God-free, reunited with the Eternal Source of Life, the One God from whom we all come. It is wonderful to be able to share with you the work for which I have been created!

I bow my head in humility to the Presence of God within your hearts, and I thank you for your attention, and your love.

Donna Grace

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The Great Beings from the Sun Temples whose Radiation d Outpouring we shall receive during this period:

NEPTUNE - February 19 through March 20

Purifying Power of the Water Element; Training of Undines and Water elementals. 

AIRIES -     March 21 through April 19

Cosmic Virtue of Wisdom; Temple of Sylphs and Devas of the Air.


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