
Archangel of Restoration

August 9, 1992

Beloved Children of Light,

I know you love us! I know you revere Us; but you do not yet realize Us! We come from regions of Light from which human consciousness has shielded his awareness long, long ago. Humanity covered his Divinity with the cloak of human understanding. Although the mass consciousness is still shrouded, there are now rays of Light shining through it! You are that Light! With that Light you are creating bridges over which all those who desire spiritual freedom may now move upward in consciousness.

As Micah, the great Archangel of Unity, walked the planet in the last age, He said clearly "I AM THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD.” He said that, not only for Himself, but on your behalf! "I AM THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD!”  Within the silence of your heart, say it now, with conviction! I AM THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD! Each and every one of you has a sacred I AM PRESENCE that is your true Being! When you ascend into full Light, you will not descend again into darkness, but become the complete fullness of the LIGHT, I AM. Claim this NOW! Wait not another day, hour, or moment. I AM THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD! You, like Jesus, were sent forth into the world to bring the Light of Life I AM!

Oh, My beloved Ones, I came from the regions of the great Central Sun to be with you and to speak to your listening hearts. My Son, Michael, called for Me, and I AM HERE.

I AM HERE to restore the Earth to the Glory It had before the shrouds of darkness were wrapped about It. Together, We can shine Our Light into whatever darkness still surrounds this Precious Jewel, transforming it into pure Light once again! Your destiny is to become the Light of your Presence, right here and now in this suffering world.

When the Earth was breathed out of the Heart of Helios and Vesta, pure and pristine, it, like the first holy innocents, had only an etheric Light body. Over time, the Earth became the mental, emotional and physical expression it now is, to be your schoolroom. Never was darkness intended, yet darkness has served the purpose of showing you the contrast to the Light, as it is rhythmically called forth from the higher Octaves. Now you understand these lessons, and it is time for your four lower vehicles to be transformed into Light again, lifting them into a higher, lighter, and finer vibratory activity. This is taking place right now, and with each one who achieves this transformation, the Earth is also lightened and lifted.

My beloved ones although you may feel small while bound in your physical forms you are stately in your Light Bodies! You do not realize how powerful you are when you wield the great Swords of Light given to you by Michael, Faith, and Astrea, to cut life free from the wheel of illusion to which it has bound itself! You cannot realize the great Cloak of Mercy and Compassion that is spread so lovingly over the hearts and minds of your brothers and sisters in the Human Family, when you decree: "I forgive! I forgive! I forgive!" It is difficult to know the full beauty of your Spiritual Selves, when you only see with physical vision, standing at one tiny point on the surface of the Earth, as you do at this moment!  

Also, you do not yet realize the great Being of Light Who has bound Herself within the body of this beautiful planet Earth! She is here to serve you, as you learn all the miracles of science and spirit contained within Her physical Being. I ask you to take a moment right now, and just close your eyes, and concentrate upon the center of the planet. Sense the Flaming Heart that dwells there, and feel your unity with it. When you have established that connection, in the silence of your own heart Flame, say "Thank you, dear Mother Earth, for all you have done for me through the ages! I love you! I love you, and I thank you! "

Now, accept the return current of the Love of this Great Being of Light! As you open your hearts and your senses to the Spirit of the Earth, you will always remember the love you receive! You will never again be able to do anything to harm the Earth, or any of her evolutions.

This is one tool you may use to achieve and sustain true unity with the Elemental Kingdom, for every Kingdom of God has a heart, and a consciousness an awareness. This heart and mind can be helped or hurt by the consciousness of the other kingdoms with which it co-exists.

You question in your minds, could the fall in consciousness have been avoided, thereby saving all of you and the planet such suffering and darkness? The answer is, regardless of the cause of the fall in consciousness so many ages ago through your challenges shall come your mastery. As you focus upon the Divine Idea held in the Realms of Light, you Our Chelas will complete the course as BEINGS OF LIGHT before darkness can overtake the Earth.

The star system of Alpha and Omega is a Family, even as you Our Chelas are a part of the family of humanity, together with all your brothers and sisters. Let your example be Lord Michael, who made His pledge to stay with the Earth and all Her evolutions until every lifestream was ascended and free! Let it be your great Regent, Sanat Kumara, who came, bringing members of His Family to save the Earth in its darkest hours! Like these Great Ones, and Others, from realms of Light beyond your comprehension, realize that your love must now be invested to fulfill the remaining requirement.

This requirement is that Christ Consciousness be sufficiently expanded within the chelas and Light workers embodied at this time. Then and only then may it be projected through them into all life now evolving upon the Earth, and in the astral realms surrounding it.

You are a Family, beloved chelas! You are a family with each other, and with all of Us in the Realms of Light. It is upon this realization that I call. I now charge you with My Power of Restoration, so that you may work as a Family of Light Beings, a unified Chalice through which the complete restoration of this precious Earth may take place! I AM always with you, and so are My legions and those of Michael! Call upon Us, and command your Task Force every day to assist you in the fulfillment of that which is set before you!

Archangel of Restoration




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