Petition Class

Archangel Michael

December 29, 1991

Beloved Co-Servers in the Light,

I speak to you, with so much gratitude in My Heart! Since I had the opportunity to address you, I have observed a great increase in the Light of Understanding within your hearts and minds. I wish to expand it still further!

Over the years of our conscious association, you have gradually come to realize the deeper aspects of our true Brotherhood. When you first became conscious of our Spiritual association, it would not have been possible for you to bear the depths of Love which are constantly being poured forth upon you from the Realms of Light.

My Beloved Chelas, We of the Angelic Kingdom have cultivated you as flowers in Our Garden of Light, and to see you bloom so beautifully is joy indeed to Our Beings and World!

Throughout centuries upon centuries of time―beyond imagining―the Angelic Kingdom, the Elemental Kingdom, and the Kingdom of Humanity have been as one great symphony of Creation. Under the direction of the Light and Love of the Great Central Sun, from which we all emerged, life is forever shifting and moving, creating and re-creating! You―the Kingdom of Humanity―are taking a new and higher form, gradually transmuting the clouds of maya into pure Light once again. I tell you this, not because your work is complete upon this planet, but because you have reached a point where INNER UNITY is possible. Many questions, still unanswered, come into your minds. Still, your hearts are lighter because of increased understanding and a deepened ability to love. The very sharing of this knowledge is to encourage you to still greater horizons!

At some point upon the Path of Light, a chela realizes the JOY of service, because at last he has passed that mark and entered into the realms of True Knowledge. There will always be work and questions, but there are no doubts as to the direction of his path! He may walk secure in the knowledge of Brotherhood, knowing he has become a Giver of Light, and not just a Taker! It is a crucial point, because, though you are as yet unascended, you are consciously unified with the Realms of Light, and your doubts are washed away in the Ritual of the Sacred Fire.

I feel that it is time to open your consciousness still further regarding the association of the Kingdoms of Expression. You have been told that We need your help, but at the time when you first received this, it was very difficult for you to really believe it. The understanding of true UNITY between the Realms of Pure Light and the material world is not an easy one. It requires some time following the initial awakening as to the existence of the Higher Realms before the possibility of communication between them seems possible to the human consciousness. It requires hard work on the part of the aspirant, and much transmutation of his karmic load.

You know, you have received quite a bit of help with this transmutation! It will interest you to know that not only the Beloved Ascended Masters and the Karmic Board are involved in the lightening of this accumulation. That portion of humanity embodied upon the Earth, who have the knowledge that you now possess, and the love to make calls on your behalf, were also actively involved! Consider this, beloved ones, because you, too, are now an active part of this Brotherhood! From the time you uttered your first decree with the conscious intent of helping others henceforth - it has been so! It is beautiful!

In the early days of growingunascended beings have the discouraging habit of comparing themselves with one another! Furthermore, they have the even more discouraging habit of comparing human life with what they think they know about the Realm of the Ascended Masters and the Angelic Kingdom!

According to this "comparison study" the Ascended Masters and the Angelic Host emerge with the general attribute that they are fairly unapproachable! That is to say, there are often a great many complicated procedures and rituals involved, or so it is believed! Even though the Seventh Ray is known to be a Ray of Ceremony, this attribute is greatly misunderstood! Sometimes, because of this misunderstanding, ritual seems to separate rather than unify. This is unfortunate, because true spiritual ritual is a matter of the heart, and beautiful to comprehend and experience!

The habit of comparison is one which must be completely relinquished, as it is a serious impediment to spiritual progress and understanding. Your next step depends upon your understanding of this. There are Cosmic Laws, and they apply to Angels, Elementals, and Humanity alike. God―Father and Mother―creates, sustains and maintains All Life by these same laws!

One Law is that all self-conscious life has free will. Another law is that no part of life may interfere with the free will expression of another. No Ascended Master, nor Angel, nor Elohim would think to interfere in the realm of Humankind's dominion, except by invitation! No matter how many times you have been told this law, there are times when you still find it difficult to accept. There are many reasons why, especially when you find yourselves in situations which you do not know quite how to handle.

Over all the eons of time that the Earth has been in existence, it has been given to the Children of Earth to handle. Humankind was given dominion and free will choice by the Creator, and it has always been so. You must understand that God helps you, and all Higher Kingdoms help you, but it can only be upon the calls of some member―or members―of the race that it can be given. This same law has always been true from the beginning of creation. Even Sanat Kumara, Great Ancient of Days, could not have saved the World except by the agreement and call of at least one man!

Do you see your power? Is it less than Mine? I tell you, it is due to the prayers of embodied life upon the Earth that the Angelic Kingdom was brought into being. We came because we were needed and desired through the Heart calls of embodied life!   The Father-Mother God created the Angels―as it is taught―a little higher than humanity, because of Their Love for you! You embody within your Beings both Angel and Elemental, and it is through Divine Brotherhood that we all evolve, higher and higher into the very Heart of Divinity from which we came!

You know, God gave us freewill also! It is through Our freewill that We love you. Our will knows nothing less than the desire to serve the Supreme Will from which We emerged! It is this that We desire to teach you, whom We come to serve in Love!

You were told that I return to the Heart of the Father- Mother God to rest and to recharge My Life Energy for a few hours out of each day. It brings Me joy to describe those few hours out of each twenty four. In the Heart of the Great Central Sun, all is Light and Silence; Love and Peace. Above all, it is a complete immersion into the Great Heartbeat of Creation. I rest within it. It totally renews Me in every way, filling the Chalice of My consciousness until it overflows once more with the Gifts of God, given to Me to dispense to All Life. It is a pulsation of Love that I cannot fully describe, but I will assist you to experience the Divine Love of God as fully as I can.

Divine Love is the Supreme Law of all creation, extending into and throughout all universes that have ever been created, or that will ever be! Feel that now! I return to the Heart of the Great Central Sun to be replenished. The Masters, having learned how, also do this.

Elementals of all graded orders return to the auras of their Devas and Teachers. The Devas enter the aura of the Elohim from whom they came. Men are gathered into the Temples of Light to study while their physical bodies sleep, and their bodies are guarded and nourished by the Presence of God to whom they belong.

The God Presences of all humanity―being directly connected to the Universal Presence of God―are nourished by the Father-Mother God, and so is All Life! Every moment that you give to the awareness of UNITY WITH THE GOD PRESENCE is nourishment and rest to your entire Being. All Life has its appropriate cycle of rest and replenishing.

FEEL the Heartbeat of God, the Sacred rhythm of Life, pulsating through your Being, and be at one with Me! It is a Holy Brotherhood, and none are exempt.

I AM Archangel Michael


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The Great Beings from the Sun Temples whose radiance and outpouring we will receive during this period:

LORD MAITREYA -        May 21 through June 20

The Focus of Love-the Christ-man working through personality.

VISTA -                         June 21 through July 22

All the Power of Concentration and Power of Consecration.



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