
Desiring the Silence of my Heart Flame, I enter my private sanctuary, becoming comfortable and centered. Turning my attention to my I AM Presence, I take a deep, relaxing breath. As I do so, I feel the pressure of God's love entering my crown chakra and flowing freely into my heart center. Even before I ask, my Angels of Protection and Restoration surround and enfold me, making Their presence known by intensifying the love and peace flowing from My Presence. With every breath, I feel these God Qualities flowing to me―and through me―filling my entire being and world. Feeling deep gratitude, I take a few moments to thank My Presence and My Angel Friends for their love and blessings given so freely to me.

I am now clothed in a blazing Mantle of Light and surrounded by the Violet Transmuting Flame. Directing my gaze outward, I see that the same service of protection and purification has been given at every point on the planet where a student of the Ascended Masters regularly invokes the Light for the benefit of our fellowman. The Light of each one blazes upward now, connecting to the Body of Light until the planet glows with the purifying essence of the Blue and Violet Light. Knowing that I do not work alone, I call upon the full power of the Holy Spirit to awaken all life to the Presence of the Christ within.

Immediately my vision turns inward, and I see Shamballa as the Masters do―a glorious City of Living Light―at the center of which stands the beautiful Temple of the Cosmic Holy Spirit. From the outer courtyards of the Temple, countless Doves of Peace stream forth to cover the Earth, enfolding it in the great loving embrace of our Most Beloved Cosmic Holy Spirit, ĈOLUS.

All chelas of Light begin to breathe in unison, inbreathing and absorbing, then expanding and projecting the Pink Flame of Holy Spirit. As we do so, the Doves of Peace are drawn into our auras, and we begin to radiate the Love and Peace of the Holy Spirit into all life in our spheres of influence. Joined in consciousness as One Body of Light, the Chalice of Holy Spirit, we decree:

I AM a shining example of God's Peace to all life!

I AM a Presence of the Christ!"

As we decree, Beloved Maha Chohan Paul receives and directs the Love of the Cosmic Holy Spirit to all our brothers and sisters in the Human Family. Each receives comfort and peace according to their need. Now, they join us in our calls, and the Maha Chohan directs our combined momentum into all elemental life, so the Earth may receive the healing brought by the Love of the Cosmic Holy Spirit and the Maha Chohan Paul.

With profound gratitude for the gifts of Holy Spirit to me and to all humankind, when I AM ready, I let my consciousness return to my private sanctuary. Within my heart and mind, I hold  the vision of perfection, knowing that I AM called to be a Presence of the Christ. SO BE IT, BELOVED I AM!

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Holy Day This Month:

Father's Day                                     Sunday, June 20


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