New Year Conference, Midnight Class

Saint Germain

December 31, 1992

Beloved Chelas,

I recognize the steadfastness of your hearts, My dear Friends of many ages. I recognize and salute the risen and expanding Christ Flame within each one of your hearts. Accept My enfolding Mantle, My Cloak of Freedom and all the love that it contains, as you listen to My words.

I speak today with the full Love and Unity of the Holy Triumvirate flowing through My heart and into the uplifted chalice of your consciousness! What a privilege it is to be enabled to experience such a flow of Light as this! I describe this great outpouring of Light with the heartfelt prayer that you shall fill your unified Cup of Consciousness, and let it overflow to cover the Earth! For this privilege given to Me, I take this moment to humbly bow before the Radiant Presence of beloved Sanat Kumara, Lord Gautama, and Lord Maitreya. I ask that you take a few moments of silence to join Me as, I do so.

During this entire year, you have given the Thoughtform and Theme with such love and dedication that you have truly become the living Pillars of Violet Fire you so desire to be! Each time you have decreed 'Blazing in, through and around my four lower vehicles, the full momentum of the Violet Transmuting Flame―the most powerful aspect of Love―instantly transmutes all outstanding energy back into perfection!', your pillars of living Violet Flame have minutely followed your calls and instructions. Yes, My beloved ones, your instructions!

So many times I wish you could see with your physical sight the actual activity of the Sacred Flame that takes place in response to your calls. However, until you have completed your work on the physical Earth plane, the primary way you will be able to see is through your inner sight. Be content, in fact―be joyousthat you have received such a gift as inner spiritual vision and hearing from beloved Elohim Vista and Lady Crystal in the last yearly cycle! If¾for any reason, you are not actively experiencing these gifts right now, I remind you that you must take the time to meditate quietly, to look within, and to listen to that inner voice! The gift is given, but it remains your opportunity to open it and put it to use in your life.

All of Us in the Ascended Realm assist you in every way possible to realize that the Path of Light cuts through the physical plane to build this great Bridge of Light upon which you now stand. At some point―and it is an individual time for each one of you―all that separates your physical world from your inner worlds ceases to be. In the meantime, We have given you certain tools to empower your work. These are the Power of Visualization, the Power of the Word, the Power of the Silence, and the Power of Action.  

The Powers of Visualization and of the spoken Word are used consciously by all of you, both individually and within your groups, bringing great healing to your brothers and sisters in the Human Family. I Am deeply impressed by your understanding of the Power of the Word, not only in your decrees and invocations, but also in your daily lives. As a result, you are experiencing changes taking place all around you. The very words 'I AM' have become a key―a signal―that immediately catches your attention whenever you say or hear them. You have also become more quickly aware of the mental images that enter your minds. You are using this awareness to focus your attention in positive and healing ways, instantly transmuting any lesser images.

The Power of the Silence and the Power of Action are being brought to your awareness now. You shall be advised in more detail by your beloved World Teachers and Their able assistants during the new year and onward, as the great teaching effort begun shall go forward in an intensified fashion. To prepare, I ask that you ponder both of these tools―the Powers of Silence and of Action―in your meditations, for through these two great Spiritual Gifts you have the opportunity to enter the Realms of Pure Light more quickly.

As you have given the Thoughtform all year, you have visualized the Earth held within the magnetic embrace of My Electronic Pattern. With the Theme, you have specifically called upon the aspect of Divine Love within the Violet Fire. This sacred Activity has drawn currents of Forgiving, Transmuting Love from realms of Light far beyond the atmosphere of this planet.

The great Solar Highways―under the guardianship and direction of beloved Elohim Vista―are open now. The attention and love of many great Solar Lords and Ladies has been drawn through your decrees and service of this year, and They are in attendance at the Grand Teton Retreat, to grace the Ceremony of the Changing of the Guard for The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom this night!

The mighty Rainbow Bridge of Light between Shamballa and the Grand Teton Retreat is blazing tonight with a radiance that shall one day be visible to the sight of all humanity! Through the Activity of The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom worldwide, the Earth is being prepared for the concentrated efforts that shall be necessary during the remainder of this century, combining the energies of the ascended Realms with the energies of all chelas and light workers on the planet.

I shall now pause in My message, but I shall remain with you tonight until it is time for you to attend the Ceremony at the Grand Teton Retreat in a little while. At this time, it is My desire to merge My energies with the Sponsors of 1992, so that We may enfold you in Our luminous Presence and direct the release of the Thoughtform and Theme of 1992 through your uplifted Chalice into the waiting consciousness of the entire Human Family. Please remain centered in My Love as you take part in this service of love.  

Your Friend,

Saint Germain


Please Note: The following words were given by Saint Germain following the release of the Thoughtform and Theme of 1992 later that night.

Beloved Ones,

Listen to the purified keynote of the Earth, now filling your hearts, minds, and entire beings with harmony, peace, and complete freedom in the Light! The Earth and all her evolutions are freed from the bonds of human consciousness through the forgiveness, mercy and love of the Violet Fire, and every man, woman and child may now walk forward into a New Year, their hearts filled with hope. In front of them is the path of a new opportunity!

I now hand you the purified planet Earth, made pure and pristine through the Violet Fire. I place it within your hands and trust you, as My Friends of Freedom, to hold it thus!

I now thank you and bless you with all the love of My Being, for your constancy and love all during 1992! And now, I ask that you turn your attention to the Grand Teton Retreat, where I shall expect you to join Us in a short time, as we continue this Sacred and Holy ceremony.


 Your Friend,

Saint Germain




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