
Breathing in the Universal Light substance from our Father-Mother God, and breathing out perfectly qualified energy, I AM completely relaxed. From within my oval of pure Electronic Light, I place my attention upon the physical focus of Shamballa, and I am gently and quickly transported there. Knowing myself as a Being of Light, I begin to rise slowly, ascending into the Etheric Realm above the Sanctuary.

Continuing to breathe softly and deeply, I become aware of the freshness of the air, a gentle fragrance and a soft breeze. A bright Light surrounds me, and―as I feel its warmth penetrate my Being, I realize it is the brilliant Sun of beloved Helios and Vesta―pouring Their Rays into the Etheric Realms of Earth.

This Light comforts me and assures me of the love of our God Parents. As I absorb Their love, I become aware of my surroundings. I am seated on a high terrace made of the purest white alabaster. It stands out against a brilliant Blue Sky. From the corner of my eye, I see a sheer curtain billowing in the breeze from an open room behind me and I notice a gentle companion, clothed in white, sitting not very far away and he smiles at me.

My senses are drawn to the crispness of the air around me, then to the exquisite beauty of the terrace―whose white opalescence brings out and reflects light of the most beautiful hues of every color as the Light of the Sun shines upon it.

Beyond the terrace I look out over a magnificent expanse of sapphire blue water. I realize I am viewing Long Island Sound from the perfection of its etheric body.

Knowing I am seated upon one of the many terraces within the Etheric Focus of Shamballa, I close My eyes to breathe in the air―so clean and fragrant, shimmering with the Universal Light of God. As I absorb and assimilate the perfection all around me, I feel deep gratitude for the privilege of being here.

As if to draw my attention back to the beauty that surrounds me, a gentle breeze brushes against my skin, and as I open my eyes, I realize night has fallen. I look out upon the same body of water, which has now taken on a Violet quality. The horizon stretches out before me in all directions and the Earth's surface is blanketed in the most vibrant shades of Violet Light―shining, pulsating, flames of violet sparkling with starbursts of aquamarine. Above this panorama, the Earth is protected and surrounded by an aura of royal blue.

Looking still higher, I see the Star of beloved Micah directly overhead, pouring forth Its Soft Blue Waves of Unity. Feelings of joy and gratitude wash over me, as I realize the purification and protection, love and illumination that are constantly given forth through Shamballa to the Earth and all her evolutions. I am instantly aware of my unity with all other chelas and light-workers everywhere, and―as I contemplate the meaning of what I have observed, I notice the sky is now filled with billions of stars. These stars represent the Holy Christ Selves of all our brothers and sisters into whose hands we place the gift of the Sacred Fire, to be used according to each one's development.

Feelings of deep ecstasy once again cause me to close my eyes. Gently, I realize I am back, having returned from the Etheric to the physical focus of Shamballa. Remaining centered, I ask My Presence to keep the remembrance and reality of my vision alive within my consciousness. In response, a deep longing is instantly established within my heart that will keep all I have experienced active, until such time―not so far away―when the Earth and its evolutions will become so purified that only beauty and perfection will manifest.

Deeply assured and filled with faith, I take a deep breath, and find myself back where my journey began.

* * *

The Great Beings from the Sun Temples whose radiation and outpouring we will receive during this period:

BELOVED ZARATHUSTRA-     November 22 through December 21

Spirit of Fire and Enthusiasm.  His Temple is the home of the Salamanders and Fire Elements.


BELOVED MINERVA-             December 22 through January 19

Discrimination, Discretion, Perception and Intuition.
















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