Spring Conference


April 11, 1993

Beloved Spirits of Love,

I greet you today from a heart filled with gratitude, for you have answered My request by placing your attention upon My Training Center here at Shamballa. With joy, I ask each blessed chela to continue doing so!

You may have noticed that the electronic pattern, given for each retreat during the cycle it is open, changes from year to year. This occurs because life is ever changing, and moving up through the spiral of evolution, no matter the outer appearance!

Because the chelas are lovingly taking responsibilities, the needs of the planet quite naturally change from one year to the next. At each new year, as the beloved planet Earth moves one step forward on the path to the Ascension, the electronic pattern reflects changes in the Cosmic activities taking place.

A very simple example is to consider the words ‘electronic pattern’, themselves. All the energy We release is to help you restore the Earth's perfection. To that end, an electronic forcefield is set into motion according to the needs at that time. Once those needs are fulfilled, the electrons move onward, thus complying with Cosmic Law.

The Spiritual Hierarchy governing Earth's evolutions looks at the Divine Plan set forth, and then determines how much radiation is required to accomplish that Plan. Then, the electronic pattern is created and pulsates in the etheric realm.

When a chela places his or her attention upon this forcefield, a stream of energy immediately links his heart flame with the electronic substance of which it is formed. By keeping his attention on it, the pattern begins to manifest itself in the physical plane through the activity of the Holy Breath. You, beloved chelas, act as the chalice―the open door―and Our energies act as the elixir, forming a Holy Partnership of ascended and unascended Beings.

This understanding is also related to your own life. Opinions and concepts change from time to time. It happens because you perceive more of the Truth. Once you change your opinions and concepts, you immediately have to adapt your surroundings to these more illumined ideas.

The clarifications you receive are due to the process of purification taking place within your four lower vehicles. The way a chela thinks and feels connects with a specific electronic forcefield. When you visualize the electronic pattern given each month in your daily work, you not only benefit by connecting to that particular flow of energy, but also bless all life.

A further step is to look at the electronic pattern, breathing statement, and Thoughtform and Theme, connecting them as one chain of events, which is moving forward as the year progresses. If you―as a chela―wish to understand the Divine Plan for the Earth more perfectly, including the part you are to fulfill in that Plan, you might enjoy reflecting upon the interaction of these activities.

The Universe is like a cosmic ocean of both seen and unseen energy, depending upon where one stands in life at any particular moment. Life flows as Light does! As above so below! As each lifestream learns the principle 'below', he will also understand the principle 'above'. Think about that, dear ones, for it will open horizons which you have not yet glimpsed.

Beloved chelas, be like the ocean. As you send a wave of love forth upon the shores of human understanding, bathe humanity with the gentleness of Love, the Light of Illumination, and the Power of the Silence! Then, when the wave returns to the great ocean from which it came, receive all the blessings of the returning currents, for you are the ocean that sent forth the gentle wave to bless and raise! Your Cosmic Momentum shall increase many times, enabling you to send forth many waves from within the silent ocean.

Go forth, dearest ones, and flood humanity with your Victory in the pristine Light of God, that was, is, and shall ever be ETERNAL! For your Victory is humankind's Victory! Your Victory is Love's Victory! Your Victory is God's Victory!

To attain this Victory you must go inside your heart, where you shall find the pathway. You may be reluctant to follow this path. As you patiently wait at the threshold of a new world, a still small voice whispers to your soul: 'follow the pathway, and your Light will be bright!' Longing for freedom, you enter the path. It leads to a portal with huge, immeasurably strong doors, that even the strongest physical man could not open. The strength required to open these doors is within, for they lead to a Sacred and Holy Place. These are the doors to the Great Silence.

With your blazing sword that cuts life free in one hand, and the shield which protects life in the other, you kneel before the portal. The still, small voice comes again, saying "Remember! The Strength within is humility; the Strength within is the Middle Way, the Strength within is unconditional Love for all Life."

As you hear these words, you remember, and give the sign of the heart, head, and hand. Immediately, the mighty doors open, and you stand face to face with your Holy Christ Self, Who stretches out welcoming arms to you, greeting you in words known only to your soul!

Feel the silent flame stirring within your being. Have strength, accept Its instructions, and come Home!

I AM your Brother and Friend in the Light,






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