The Nature Kingdom has blessed us with the physical manifestation of Her Mantle of Light. The wonder of Winter created this for us in the form of snow and ice. It snowed lightly all during the night, blanketing the Earth in a cloak of quiet purity. Looking upward, the pale morning sky was almost white, for the soft blue of Micah's Star of Unity filled the heavens from horizon to horizon. Then, as the sun began its daily journey, the Earth was bathed in the glittering Golden Light of God's Illumination. As it filled our minds and bodies, we received and fully understood the message of ancient wisdom that the golden light contained.

Looking around at every bush and tree enfolded in their mystic mantles, they, too, shared with us their wisdom, as we gazed upon the magnificent picture God created just for us. As the sun traveled higher in the sky, its rays of light bathed the crystalline scene, creating flashes of multicolored light before our eyes. The icy coating on every branch of every tree radiated forth the unity and purity of all life into our minds.

The virtues, qualities, and blessings from God were visible within the flashing colors of all the rays―blue, green, yellow, ruby, pink, violet―and especially the crystalline fire of the Ascension Flame. All of this was visible before us, transforming the trees and bushes we see every day.

Breathing in deeply and then breathing out the pristine air that surrounds and nourishes us, we feel the Breath of God blowing gently through the trees. They move gracefully and in unison, enfolded in their Mantles of Light. The crystalline symphony of their icy cloaks adds to the Music of the Spheres and we feel renewed joy and an expanded love for all life.

As the snow and ice begin to melt, the activity of the undines is revealed to us. They sing their songs as the water moves along, over rocks and limbs, down toward the sea. Continuing to observe this wonder of nature, the many small creatures of the Kingdom cautiously venture out from their places of safety. Even these small animals pause in awe of the magnificence of our scene, admiring the beauty of God's First Cause―the Perfection of all life!

We are grateful for this opportunity and spend time walking among the trees. Within this magic wonderland, we appreciate the beauty of nature from our Mother Earth. She has provided us with living proof that the Activity of Light has been created, and will forever be sustained in our world.

We thank you, God, for the beauty of our Earth in winter.





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