Three Temples

Visualize yourself up in the mountains, standing at the edge of a beautiful and very serene sapphire blue lake. Silence fills the crisp mountain air and you observe the light of the sun gently playing upon the water, glistening like a pool of radiant multi-colored diamonds. Feeling the warmth of the sun bathing you in its glorious light, immediately you are reminded that the Presence of God not only permeates and fills every part of your being, but all life!

Raising your vision slightly, you see a magnificent sight; three luminous doves joyously soaring on the rising currents of air in the atmosphere just above you and you take time to enjoy their brilliant display. They are opalescent in color, but each one radiates a different color of the Three-fold Flame of Life. Your attention is quickly drawn to the representative of God's magnificent First Ray and instantly its flying pattern changes as this harbinger of hope takes off in a northerly direction. Keeping your eyes fixed upon this beautiful life form, you proceed up a gently winding path and soon find yourself at the foot of a magnificent circular temple encrusted with blue sapphires of such perfection as you have never seen before on Earth.

Your winged friend enters the southern portal of this sacred place and at the same time several magnificent angels come from within and silently welcome you. On top of the dome of this temple stands a glorious angel, his countenance radiating the pure light of God and he bows his head gently acknowledging your presence. As you continue to look around, many great beings of light and countless numbers of magnificent angels fill the atmosphere, building, and grounds and you take time to observe their joy of being in one another's company. This sight fills you with incredible peace as legions of angels now come forward and cut you free; free from all disease, weariness, and human limitation. Through their great love they offer you the renewed courage and strength necessary to continue your service here on Earth.

Feel their blessings as they surround you in their magnificent blue light! This light permeates your crown chakra and fills your entire being. As you absorb this powerful substance, your faith in God grows stronger and stronger. You fully unite with your Presence and have the faith and strength required to accomplish any task presented to you. You have become one with God and the perfect example of the perfection of His kingdom in this physical world.

Lady Faith enfolds you in her essence and assures you that your conscious calls for assistance will always be answered. Archangel Michael, who now stands at your side, raises his hand in blessing and as he does you become aware of the presence of another one of your winged friends, who radiates the golden light of God illumination. You bid farewell to these powerful beings of light and once again prepare to follow your dove as its golden light illuminates the path before you.

After a time you find yourself standing before the mighty entrance of the Temple of Wisdom where beloved Archangel Jophiel and Lady Constance reside and where they have been patiently awaiting your arrival. Beams of golden light fill this sanctuary and as you cross the threshold, you immediately feel great illumination and wisdom entering your being. You are inspired and filled with many wonderful ideas on how best to serve your brothers and sisters in the human family.

Lord Jophiel and Lady Constance now step forth from the great light which surrounds you and as you kneel before them, they gently touch your crown chakra and forehead and you are filled with a deepened desire to understand the laws of life. In response, your Christ Flame expands within your heart and you become fully aware of your divine plan and no longer doubt or fear what you must one day do. Once again you know it is time to move on. This time the radiant pink dove appears, summoned by your desire to continue your journey.

As you follow this blessed lifestream upon a long and winding road you become filled with a sense of gratitude and as you count all God's blessings you receive each and every day, you smile. Love fills your heart and you know that devotion to God is your first cause. You feel a deep pink flame blazing forth within you as the doors of heaven open wide and you find yourself standing in the center of a magnificent temple of light. You feel relaxed and at peace with all of this lifetime's experiences and suddenly a deep reverence for life fills your being.

Looking around, you see your dove drinking deeply from a nearby bubbling fountain. Lord Chamuel and Lady Charity enter the courtyard and immediately recognizing these blessed beings of light, your elemental guide takes wing and gently alights upon the shoulder of the magnificent Archaii of the Third Ray. The flame in her heart blazes forth, enfolding you in her radiant essence and the Adoration Flame sweeps through every condition in your life―to double your supply, to double your enthusiasm, to double your desire to serve―to triple all your activities! This gift, she tells you, will increase every aspect of your life and through your attention you must consciously remember to only magnify and amplify that which is of God. As chelas and lightworkers everywhere upon this planet consciously choose to do the same the opportunity is given to the entire Earth to finally become fully free from all negativity and limitation of any kind.

With this knowledge in your mind and joy in your heart you once again say good-by and walking though the doors of this temple a grand vista stretches out before you from horizon to horizon. Once again the three doves hover above you and each one offers you a special gift. You open your hand and find within it a beautiful blue feather. You gently put it in your pocket, to always remind you to have faith in God. The next dove offers you a beautiful golden feather and you accept it as a reminder of your Holy Christ Flame. As you receive the third feather you are filled with the radiant pink essence of pure divine love and you observe that everything around you including yourself has changed and recognizing your divinity, you now have the power to create as God creates.

Desiring to say farewell to your new friends you look upward once again and before your eyes, they merge and become one glorious being of light and you realized you have been guided this day by Holy Spirit. You are grateful for your experience and joyfully return home to share your many gifts with the world.





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