Assimilation and Expansion

of the Electronic Pattern

September 1995


ELECTRONIC PATTERN: Visualize the humankind of Earth raising their vision ever higher, and entering the sacred and holy focus of beloved Archangel Michael. As they prepare to receive the additional energies of protection and faith required to take them swiftly and easily into the new millennium, we, the chelas of the Great White Brotherhood, joyfully await their arrival with happy hearts and open arms.

Beloved chelas,

My temple has been prepared and is ready for the many festivities that will take place at the upcoming eight day celebration at the end of this month and it is now time for you to fully focus your attention upon your personal preparation before you arrive at Lake Louise. Chelas will be coming together from all over this beloved planet, not only to show their love for all life, but also to receive. I AM waiting here with open arms to welcome you fully into my loving embrace so you may each acquire the faith, strength and protection you need to perfectly complete your missions here on Earth!

As I stated last year when my invitation first went out to all the members of the Great White Brotherhood, much preparation on your part would be required before this conference begins. I AM sure each one of you has found much truth in my words and you have been very busy since then, not only maintaining your forcefields of protection but balancing your energies also.

Most of you have found that this has not been an easy task for you to accomplish. It is for this very reason, that the balancing activity now necessary in all chelas is taking place during this year in which you are enfolded in the many qualities of God's pure divine love. You have been given friendship, support, encouragement, compassion, and comfort to name just a few. Within these magnificent gifts, you are receiving all that you need as you continue to move steadily forward, learning to become who you truly are—one with your I AM Presence. During this time you are also gaining mastery, becoming much more efficient in the use of the many sacred spiritual tools you have been given to date.

This month you are being prepared to enter the final part of this year of divine love and you have noticed that the tests brought to you during this time have been very different in nature from those of your work with the preceding rays. Some of the tests of the Third Ray have been difficult, seeming to be much more personal than those you have previously faced for some time. Often you have been presented once again with certain aspects of your life that you thought you had successfully overcome in the past. For this reason many of you have wondered about and even doubted your spiritual progress. Beloved ones, when this happens I ask you to see each experience as an opportunity to 'fine tune' and 'polish' all that you have previously learned and be grateful.

Also, finding a balance between the need to do personal spiritual work and―at the same time―fulfill your more universal responsibilities has not been easy, but I assure you, do not despair or lose heart, for you are doing very well. The realization, fast becoming clear in your consciousness, is that there is no separation between your spiritual and personal lives. Until you understand you have but one life and integrate its various aspects, you will not have balance in your life. You must truly learn to live a life in Christ Consciousness! Perhaps you may want to incorporate the following affirmation into your daily work to assist you in this endeavor:


Use it often throughout the day. You may even want to share this statement with others as you are also becoming more deeply aware of the influence you have on life around you. As you do this, you will begin to observe a beautiful change taking place within your brothers and sisters as well. This realization, in itself, shall bring to you initiations of a very subtle and profound nature for, as you do this, you are coming to more fully understand the many gifts of unity.

During this time of great spiritual growth, you may also be struggling with understanding the difference between the 'personal' and the 'impersonal' aspects of your life. Once again I say to you there is no difference, and with this, and every piece of knowledge you receive and understand, your light will continue to grow brighter. Some time ago I told you that if you wished, you could give me your faith and I, in return, would give you mine. I would like to remind you this offer still remains in place. Faith is one with me, and as willing servants to life, we go forth at your request bringing you the irreplaceable gift of faith in God. And―as you are well aware, every call begets an answer, and God's light and love goes forth, without exception, offering assistance in every situation you experience or difficulty you may have!

Your precious inner self is alive and well, and it is time to allow it the freedom it needs to grow and develop. As a result you will become ever more confident as you move forward in the light, building an ever-stronger relationship with your Holy Christ Self. His wings, dear ones, are your wings of light, and they alone will bear you upward into your full ascension. I am most grateful for your ever-increasing love, understanding, and abilities to serve.

The universe continues to move on and so, beloved ones, do you! As you take each small step, all the universe above and below you steps forward. This Earth, which you and I both love and serve, is also constantly moving upward in her ascension in the light.

I AM your friend and shall be your protector forever. Call on me, for I AM waiting!


Archangel of the First Ray





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