Lake Louise  Conference

Saint Germain

September 30, 1995

Beloved friends of freedom,

You have all felt my Presence and glimpsed, if only for a moment, the reality of Spiritual Freedom. It is for this reason that I come often to walk by your side and talk with you as a friend, acknowledging your divinity at each step you take toward the further attainment of your individual mastery. As you become more conscious of all life and what is taking place around you, you have observed that individuals from many different walks of life are coming together for one purpose, to serve the light.

It is this willingness to serve God that has and will continue to become the unifying factor that will allow the full manifestation of the New Golden Age of Spiritual Freedom here on Earth. Through this same desire manifesting in all people everywhere, understanding and acceptance of those who are different has entered your lives and you have come to perceive the qualities of love and respect as the common golden thread of oneness which abides in all life.

This understanding is attained through the use of the Violet Transmuting Flame, and you are very much aware that this sacred flame is becoming known and used on a much larger scale than ever before all around this magnificent planet. Much has been said about this sacred fire, and yet it seems there is much more to be said as people everywhere increase their understanding and search for spiritual knowledge that shall free their spirits from the self-imposed miscreations of the human consciousness. This does not necessarily mean that new concepts will be brought forth, but rather different ways to explain what has been said for centuries will be given. Life is ever flowing, always changing and expanding, searching for growth at every level of consciousness.

To refuse to accept this fact is to lash one's self to the pillar of human consciousness, unable to move from that place until you have the right tool to set you free. Eventually human consciousness has to change or it will find itself alone in the lifeless desert of its own creation, searching for sustenance that can only be found in the river of life.

Beloved ones, I tell you this so that you may recognize more and more the crucial role the Violet Fire plays in your lives, for as long as you live in this physical world you will find many challenges that show your ability to master your own energies. I remind you that some time ago the Violet Ray was firmly anchored into this blessed planet, as well as in the heart of every lifestream living upon it. It manifests itself as flame, as tangible substance you can call forth through your loving and diligent calls, further establishing a planetary core of Violet Fire; and through the attention of all lightworkers everywhere, this beautiful spiritual fire shall expand outward until it encompasses the entire planet Earth.

Many lifestreams ask themselves why the Violet Fire is only now being offered at a conscious level to the humankind of Earth. Beloved chelas, it has always been available to those of you who call upon it, even though you might not have realized you were summoning forth this sacred and holy flame, for whenever a person calls upon the grace of God and purification this is exactly what he or she receives!

Looking back over your own life, during times of pain and sorrow, were you not blessed by this wonderful God alchemy, without even consciously being aware of what was taking place? The difference now is that you have chosen to learn how to work with this wonderful gift yourself, so that you can help, not only yourself, but all life.

This brings me to a very important point of law, a God gift is given at a conscious level only when the recipient is able to take responsibility for his actions and reactions, accepting fully the fact that he can change the conditions which surround him. The fact that so many of you have come to this point in your evolution fills our hearts with joy and gratitude.

Beloved friends of the Violet Fire, as you listen to my words" you are centered within your Threefold Flame, for those of us who serve from the ascended realms of light, speak to you only through the Presence of God, I AM. With this in mind, think of the beautiful Violet Fire. Many times you have heard the statement: 'The Violet Fire is the most powerful aspect of love.' Have you pondered the meaning of these words? The Violet Fire is the perfect blending of the First and Third Rays. As you call upon the dynamic action of this sacred fire, you are instantly enfolded in a ring-pass-not of protection. Safe from all not of the light of God, your four lower vehicles become serene and calm through the power of love, allowing your consciousness to become one with your I AM Presence.

What takes place when this is accomplished is that the divine love nature of God is permitted to work through you, bathing your being in a soothing elixir of purification. This activity re-polarizes the electronic substance in your four lower vehicles, thus placing your lower bodies in perfect alignment with your three higher vehicles. As this happens your adoration to the Presence of God increases and you feel safe and comfortable. At that moment creation takes place within you, as your Holy Christ Self is then able to come much closer to the physical plane of existence as you rise up to greet it. Then, when Christ Consciousness has fully manifested in you, you bring forth the fullness of the Flame of Wisdom along with the magnificent Violet Fire, and become the joy and buoyancy of the Ascension Flame. At that time you truly are the Christ in action on the physical plane and someday, when your service to life on the physical Earth is completed, you will then move forward into different avenues of service in the inner realms.

During the process of fully manifesting Christ Consciousness, each one of you also becoming a teacher of the New Age. As you know to be a teacher in this Era of Spiritual Freedom you must be the example of how to live according to the divine principles of life, and your way of being must be the natural expression of your inner divine nature. This concept is once again rooted in the understanding that, if you wish to change the world, you must change yourself first! Imagine how fast the Earth would progress into the light, if every individual applied this simple, yet very far reaching principle!

Beloved co-servers, know with full conviction that you wield the full momentum of the Violet Fire as a member of the Order of Saint Germain. I bless you for your tireless service, for without you we would not be able to accomplish much on the physical plane of Earth. May the Violet Fire of Freedom's love speed your journey toward enlightenment and full freedom in the light!

I AM your friend and brother,

Saint Germain





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