The Quest

During this magnificent year of purity, resurrection and ascension, you feel a very strong desire to understand more fully your own Divine Plan so that you may perfectly provide your life's service for the Earth. To do this you must find the perfect place in which to go into the silence and meditate upon that which you now seek. You consider using your personal sanctuary but that does not feel quite right, even though you cherish your time in the sacred place that you have lovingly prepared for yourself in your home. No, you realize you must be somewhere outside, and quickly you head for the door, grabbing the small colorful blanket that you keep for just such a purpose.  

As you walk across the threshold, the warmth and light of the midday sun fills your being. Carefully choosing the perfect spot in your garden, you spread out your blanket, silently thanking God for this private time of self-rediscovery. Sitting down, you find a comfortable position, and immediately you are filled with joy as you anticipate the spiritual journey you are about to embark upon this day. You take a few moments to work with the Blue Flame of Protection and Violet Fire of Purification and Transmutation. Then calling upon your I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self you gently close your eyes and begin to breathe deeply and rhythmically, reciting several times through those words that have become so firmly etched in your mind during the past two years: 'I AM THE RESURRECTION AND THE LIFE OF THE PERFECTION OF MY DIVINE PLAN MANIFEST IN THE WORLD OF FORM RIGHT HERE, RIGHT NOW AND FOREVER SUSTAINED!' Filled with a feeling of great expectancy you now ask: "Beloved Holy Christ Self I AM in me, come forth now. Show me the fullness of my divine plan."

With these words you are quickly whisked away at inner levels to the deserts of the Middle East, and as you open your eyes, the Holy Land appears just as you imagined it would. As is usual for this area in early July, it is a very hot and dry day. The land and hills around you seem dull and brown, without color or life, and the sun is so bright the usual brilliant blue color of the sky is faded and appears almost white.

Through the power of your inner vision you quickly travel through the Israeli-occupied West Bank and then north to Galilee, the home town of beloved Micah in his embodiment as the Master Jesus. You stop for rest and refreshments in Shechem, an ancient "High Place" of the Old Testament, known then as Sychar in what was Samaria in Jesus' time. After refreshing yourself, you walk out into a garden area just outside the small restaurant. You see a sign in Hebrew with an English translation which reads that this was known as "Jacob's Well" in ancient times. It is reported to have been the well where beloved Master Jesus conversed with a Samaritan woman after asking her for a drink of water. You recall part of the Scripture in the fourth chapter of the Gospel of John which reads: "Jesus said to her, 'Every one who drinks of this water will thirst again, but whoever drinks of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; what I shall give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life."

As you sit in the shade of a palm tree next to the well, you reflect on these words, and after a few moments find yourself praying: "Beloved Micah, give me the water to drink of which you as Jesus, the Christ, spoke." Suddenly you become aware of a visitor who has approached and silently stands beside you. The quiet that surrounds you is now pierced by a deep, resonant voice which asks: "May I have a drink of water, please?" You respond by reaching into your satchel for a bottle of spring water you always carry with you and offer it to the stranger, a tall man in the simple, muslin gown of the Bedouin with a Kafir upon his head. As you look for the first time at your fellow traveler, you instantly realize that this is not a mere mortal. The light from his form is blinding even in the midday sun. You move slightly so that you may see his face. His incredible beauty is not of this world, and you begin to tremble in his presence, but instantly, all nervousness ends as he envelopes you in a mantle of peace¾the peace that passes all understanding of the human mind. He thanks you for the water and asks why you are here? "I AM, ... I AM here to learn my divine plan, my purpose in this lifetime and I thought if I could come here and walk where you had walked as Jesus, it would be revealed to me."

You realize that he knew the answer even before you uttered your reply. Gently he asks: "Who do you think I AM that I would know the answer to your question?" You breathe deeply and answer: "The Apostle Peter said that you were the Christ, which indeed you were as the Master Jesus, but I know you as beloved Micah, the angelic son of the Prince of the Heavenly Host, Lord Michael." He smiles so lovingly that your heart is lifted even higher, and then he places his hand lovingly on the side of your face. "Beloved chela," he continues; "the knowledge you seek is written in your heart. You need only go within and inquire of your Holy Christ Self that which you need." Recognizing the truth contained in his words you state how you are feeling: "Yes, but often I feel so unsure of the answers I receive."

Micah takes your hand in his and sits down on the bench beside you. "Beloved child of God! Do you know that I also felt unsure at times when I was in embodiment as Jesus the Christ? Remember the account of my agony in the garden of Gethsemane? How the answer was there, but it was not the one I necessarily wanted to hear at the time? Listen to the still small voice within your heart, your Christ Self. All of your answers are there! I look into your eyes and see the gaze of a 'sun of the Living God.' I behold your face and see the beauty of your mighty I AM Presence. I look at your hands and see the healing light of the Christ emanating from them, and indeed, from your entire body. You too, beloved one, are the Christ, perhaps just not yet grown to full stature. You can heal as I, as Jesus healed, teach as I taught, and do all of those things and even greater things, for you are a radiant sun of the New Golden Age of Spiritual Freedom."

"Yes, I know these things in my heart," you reply; "I guess I need to call on the magnificent Lady Faith to help me have faith." He smiles warmly and responds, "And so you shall! And when you do, the divine plan, that portion of the Cosmic Tapestry for which you are solely responsible, shall become clear to you... and you will realize that you already are fulfilling your Divine Plan." He kisses you gently on your forehead, and, as he stands, he gives you the sign of the heart, the head and the hand; he then disappears from your vision as quickly and as silently as he appeared. Still feeling his Presence you take a few moments to savor your experience.

You breathe in deeply, and as you release your breath you open your eyes and find that you have returned to your garden where you began this magnificent journey. You now fully understand that your 'quest' has been fulfilled, and all you ever need to know is already deep within your heart, if you but take the time to seek it. Secure in this knowledge, you remember and begin to softly hum a hymn from your youth: "Great is Thy Faithfulness, oh, God, my Father ... all I have needed Thy Hand has provided; Great is Thy Faithfulness, My God unto me."







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