Decree for the Oneness of all Life

In the full power and authority of the beloved Presence of God, I AM... and the Holy Christ Selves of us and all lifestreams on planet Earth.

Beloved Micah, Archangel of Unity! Right here and right now BLAZE through us and all people on Earth the soft blue light of your Cosmic Flame of Unity! Let your gentle essence PENETRATE and SATURATE us all to lift and raise our hearts and minds into the CONSCIOUSNESS OF THE ONENESS OF ALL LIFE.

By the blessings of your grace and power, anchor within the hearts and minds of all the sons and daughters of God the awareness of the universality of all people on this planet―sharing the One Life, the One Light and the One Love―of our Father-Mother God.

Let all strife and self-seeking end now! Let there be peace and cooperation between all people and all nations, all races and cultures, between every male and female, and within all families everywhere as we move forward into the new millennium of perfection fulfilling and manifesting God's Holy Will.

*I AM the resurrection and the life of the perfection of the ONENESS of all lifestreams evolving on the planet Earth and on each and every star in our system of worlds! (*3X)

So be it, beloved I AM!