Spring Conference

Elohim Claire

April 25, 1996

Beloved living flames of pure divine love,

Today I enfold you in my God given quality of Clarity so that perhaps you may finally see yourselves and each other for what you truly are: Beings of great light preparing to fully manifest in all your glory here on Earth! As my gift now enters your consciousness, a magnificent reservoir of wisdom and illumination shall reveal itself to you and with this higher understanding the true meaning of the words of many great masters of wisdom who have walked the Earth and shared the laws of life will expand.

Think back for a moment, beloved ones, to when you chose to actively begin working with the many spiritual and physical aspects of this particular Activity of Light. Ideas and concepts that perhaps in the beginning were very challenging for you to understand, you now put into practice as a natural part of your life. You are recognizing these principles at all levels, joyously accepting these universal truths throughout your four lower vehicles so that your awareness of the world in which you presently abide is becoming much clearer! With your ever increasing personal growth and development, the light of the world is increasing considerably due to your very presence in it and we are most grateful for your attention and service!

Since the Earth is radiating more light, the same must be true for all activities such as The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom. Thus far, it has fulfilled its divine plan by serving the Earth at the level of consciousness very few members of your human family could perceive and understand. Now, as you can see, so many more people are ready to receive this higher information, the time has come to move forward, for all lifestreams coming into activities such as this have a much greater depth of perception.

The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom Activity, as one of the forerunners of the New Age, must now also move forward, bringing forth the information that will expand the understanding of the knowledge previously revealed, as well as bring forth many new divine ideas, principles, and laws.

Beloved chelas, the Elohim, as the creators and builders of form, are at one with this Activity of Light; and we thank and bless you for your conscious participation in the process of the perfect precipitation of Shamballa's future. However, it is imperative that you focus your attention clearly upon this divine plan, which as a matter of fact, blends perfectly with your own individual divine plans! Upon your request, I will assist you at every opportunity in clarifying any principle with which you feel you may need further understanding. My help will consist of many gentle and maybe not so gentle personal reminders that will assist you to recognize and focus your energies upon the positive aspects of your daily lives, immediately transmuting the negative, for only in this way will your light and love continue to expand.

To perceive and be able to accept the fullness of the currents of divine love directed into the Earth at this time is not always an easy task, for with your acceptance you will intensify every ounce of energy in your four lower vehicles, be it purified or not. However, you are all very aware of this point of law, and know how to call upon the Blue and Violet Flames to assist you in expressing more perfectly the love nature of our Father-Mother God. Beloved ones, the same is true for The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom Activity; and each one of you, without exception, is responsible for its perfect manifestation in this world of form. As chelas of The Great White Brotherhood you are an integral part of this group endeavor serving as examples of our teachings in the physical world.

It has been explained that Shamballa's primary function is to perfectly express the Pink Flame of Divine Love. Since this quality is the coalescing power of the universe, one of this activity's major goals is to precipitate unity on a planetary scale.

However, for this to take place, unity must first manifest within the student body, for it is through this example especially, that it will be proved to your brothers and sisters the eternal Spirit of God exists in all people everywhere including themselves. Also, the reality and tangibility of the Ascended Host of Light will be shown through your way of being. How you think, speak, feel and act will also help in lighting the way for others to their own spiritual freedom once they have stepped on this path. Beloved ones, it is no longer enough to know our teachings within your mind. The keynote of the hour is to take them to heart and live them every minute of every day, for in this way the reality of God's truth shall be fully revealed to others.

My beloved co-servers, because we love you so deeply end constantly hear your cries for help at inner levels, we speak much about responsibility. For by taking full responsibility for your lives, you shall receive the additional clarity necessary at all levels of consciousness to more quickly become great masters of your own life energy. I joyfully stretch Forth my arms to welcome you, each magnificent expression of God, and I AM grateful that you, too, often reach out to me or another member of the spiritual hierarchy. Every time you do so, you are further ascending into your own God perfection; and whenever you reach out to your fellow traveler in a silent and comforting expression of love, compassion, and tenderness, you truly are becoming an expression of your own God perfection on Earth.

May the clarity of your combined chalice of consciousness be a perfect channel for the Holy Spirit, as together, we enter the New Millennium through which all life may ascend into the full awareness of our own divinity.

I AM Elohim Claire

Holy Days

Transfer of Shamballa to Long Island............... Tuesday, November 26

 Thanksgiving Day............ Thursday, November 28

 Humanity’s Harvest............ Saturday, November 30





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