The Wonder of God’s Moment…

While in the midst of your daily tasks, a situation requiring redemption draws your attention. As you are developing the skill of constantly remaining centered within the Holy Christ Flame in your heart, you decide to address this situation immediately, not allowing it to throw you out of that balanced state of perfect peace you strive to surround yourself in. Instantly the call goes forth through your I AM Presence, requesting the assistance of all the great beings of light who serve on God's magnificent Blue and Violet Rays.

You pause, and standing still for a moment, you joyously receive and accept the responding radiation of strength, faith, protection and freedom sent to you from above. Thus protected and purified, there comes a clarion call from deep within your being for help in releasing the imprisoned life that has reached out to you in their time of need whether they are consciously aware of this or not. Suddenly all around you appear legions of Lord Michael's and Lord Zadkiel's angels as well as numerous other brothers and sisters from the Blue and Violet Rays. You recognize, that like them, you are one of Michael's legions and silently prepare to do battle.

As you put on your golden armor of light you realize this is your Holy Christ Self externalized. You pick up your shield―the truth of God's First Cause―the perfection of all life, and hold it close to your heart. Your helmet is a shining halo of great wisdom, tempered by beloved Lady Kwan Yin's loving mercy and compassion. Fully prepared to do his bidding, you wield Lord Michael's flaming sword of blue lightning like an experienced warrior.

With a deep and powerful inbreath, you draw forth and absorb beloved Michael's momentum of illumined faith and protection into your heart flame, and riding the combined energies of all the members of the Body of Light, you are ready. As their qualities and momentums surge forward, they are joyously received and directed through your perfectly balanced four lower vehicles into the lifestream with whom you have focused your attention. Remembering the oneness of all life you now also consciously send these energies into all imprisoned lifeforms anywhere on this planet.

On the mighty outbreath, guided by divine wisdom and joined by your task force of angels, your sword and those of your fellow co-servers reaches out to touch all outstanding energy in need of transmutation and re-qualification throughout the Earth. On contact this dark cloud of negativity is neutralized, and this time as pure energy, it is released back into the atmosphere, ready once again to be used according to the highest good of all concerned.

Your task of the moment has been fulfilled, and together, we raise this world with our shouts of victory; and the beloved Earth is one step closer to her Ascension! Such joyous wonders can happen within just one breath! What infinite love, wisdom, and strength God can express through just one dedicated lightworker in such a short time. An opportunity was recognized and seized; and life is sweeter for it! The moment has passed, through its effect shall be eternal. Thank you, beloved Lord Michael and beloved Father-Mother God. Returning your attention to your daily life you offer thanks to our Father-Mother God and patiently await your next opportunity as one of beloved Michael's legions when once again you will come to know I AM THAT I AM!  






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