Lady Kwan Yin

Spring Conference

March 29, 1997

My beloved ones,  

Welcome! Welcome into my heart of hearts where I joyously enfold you with the Joy of Forgiveness! Enter deep within, beloved ones, for you and I are one! Accept this joy, for it is yours for the taking. I bow to your inner light in respect and reverence for my own light substance of mercy and compassion, and lovingly request that you do the same with all your brothers and sisters in the great Human Family, for you will one day manifest the fullness of Christ Consciousness in all its wonderful perfection and uniqueness of expression.   

Beloved chelas, even though you have come a long and sometimes weary way on your path to self-mastery and spiritual attainment, you still often wonder: What is yet to come in my life? Pause for a moment, and say to yourself: "I AM here, I have victoriously succeeded with the challenges and difficulties of the past, and this has made me stronger in my faith of the I AM Presence, wiser in my applications of the sacred fire, and more forgiving as I accept additional divine love into my being and world. I AM here! I AM happy! I AM healthy! I AM free! Thank you, great universal I AM!"

Although you may be wondering whether or not you have, in fact, surmounted past challenges of your life, I assure you with the full conviction of my being, that you truly have done so! Perhaps your victory was not the one you planned on or wished for, but it was a victory according to the Will of God, for today your inner light shines more brightly than ever before in the physical world of form.

Beloved chelas of light, I wish to remind you that many of the experiences you shall encounter at one point or another in your lives has the sole purpose of assisting you to learn from such life circumstance. Recall an instance in your life when you seemed to be completely out of control. Everyone except you appeared to be in charge of your life because the decisions they made affected your lifestream in such a profound way that this made you feel extremely uncomfortable and very sad. Now, I ask you to look at this situation with more illumined eyes, realizing that the authority of your own life was, is and ever shall be yours. You must let each of these experiences go into the Violet Fire with a compassionate and forgiving heart and mind. Therein lies the key to your ability to regain full command of your lifestream, dear ones! In doing so, the outer self shall once again be redeemed through the constant use of the Flame of Transmutation and Freedom. Your divine identity will then joyously burst forth as a magnificent sun of great love, wisdom, and power sharing its light with everyone and everything you come in contact with.  

It is very true what those of us from the ascended realms have taught: you must call upon the Law of Forgiveness before you actually invoke the sacred Violet Fire to come forth. However, it does not necessarily mean that you have to first and always verbally decree the Law of Forgiveness before calling upon the blessed Violet Fire. Rather, you must always be willing to unconditionally forgive the energy you are invoking, to purify yourself and others. Otherwise, you will just add to the negative momentum already created. Remember, it is for this very reason that the Violet Fire embodies my quality of forgiveness and compassion. You must be able to let go, with no strings attached whatsoever! Of course, I AM ever grateful whenever you audibly decree the Joy of Forgiveness, my beloved co-servers. Still, there may be times when it is not possible for you to follow such a pattern of service.  

As time passes and you consciously anchor within your four lower vehicles more of the divine qualities embodied in the Violet Fire, your individual ceremony―the way with which you apply this divine alchemy―shall change as well. This, beloved ones, is the reason we constantly bring to you further expansion on teachings previously offered. For your continued spiritual development new ideas must constantly come forth for your consideration, examination, and finally, full integration in your being.  

As you ponder my quality of forgiveness and often connect with my Retreat of Mercy and Compassion in the etheric realm over the Hall of Supreme Harmony in Beijing, I wish to remind you that other Ascended Master Retreats also bid you welcome, offering many divine qualities such as healing, strength, peace, love, understanding, and so on that will assist you in remaining poised and centered as you complete your daily tasks. Beloved ones, take a few minutes during the day to consciously tap into the radiation of these sacred Foci of Great Light whenever the need arises. Although it may not be the primary Retreat you are working with during any given month, its blessings are always available, for God unceasingly gives light, love and power freely and joyfully!  

Beloved chelas, enter deep into the Sanctuary of your own heart for it is there where you will find my Flame of Deep Violet blazing brightly along with Saint Germain's Freedom Flame. As you bathe in my radiation, receive the healing that true forgiveness brings through its Crystalline Aquamarine Radiance. I love you, each blessed one!

 Your sister in the Light of God,

Kwan Yin


The Purifying, Unifying Powers

of the Violet Transmuting Fire 

Dearly beloved Presence of God I AM in us and all our brothers and sisters in the Family of Man, we call to the powers of the Seventh Ray: Lord Arcturus and Lady Diana, Lord Zadkiel and Holy Amethyst, Master Saint Germain and Lady Portia and especially Lady Kwan Yin.

*Bring your gifts of Violet Fire to Earth now!

Enfold every lifestream on this planet!

Grace us with your energies! 

Empower us with your qualities of transmutation, mercy, forgiveness and purification until we truly embody the essence of your sacred flames. (*3X)

From this day forth, in love and unity, may we always hold the Eternal Flame of Freedom high. As God's Most Holy Name, I AM. So be it, beloved I AM!





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