Decree to Master Dwjal Khul and Lord Lanto

Beloved mighty I AM Presence and all great beings and powers of light: We invoke the combined momentum, radiation and love of all the members of the Spiritual Hierarchy as we give thanks to you for your constancy of service to the Family of Man, all elemental lifeforms and members of the angelic kingdom embodied upon the Earth.  

We ask that you fill each member of the Body of Light with your divine qualities of love, wisdom and power. We also ask that you bestow upon us a further understanding of your true reverence for all life.  

Beloved Ascended Master Dwjal Khul: Through the light and love of your being and your dedication to service, AWAKEN in us the understanding of the joy of anonymous service and the perfect peace of God which lives within the Great Silence. Through your sublime example, may we behold and understand the Immaculate Concept of God's First Cause―perfection for ourselves and all life!  

Beloved Lord Lanto: FILL the raised cup of our consciousness with your flame so that it blazes upward from the Christ within and outward to permeate our entire beings and worlds. EXPAND within us your knowledge concerning the oneness of life and the full realization that the life force in all we behold is that of God!  

We consecrate our beings and our energies to the service of the Spiritual Hierarchy as we manifest the perfection of our divine plans right here, right now and forever sustained.  

So be it! As God's Most Holy Name, I AM.





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