The Truth Will Set You Free!

New Year Conference

January 1, 1998


Beloved students of truth and freedom,  

During your time at Shamballa you may often find yourselves meditating on the theme for this conference: "The Truth will set you free!"  It is my hope, that as you do, your understanding of the truth will expand greatly.  

It is most significant that I, who stand before you now, once came to Earth some 2,000 years ago to serve as the protector and counselor of a man named "Jesus". He came to bring the Word of God to Earth, embodying it with the fullness of his being and exemplifying it throughout his short, but very influential life. I now come again, not only to verify the truth of his work, but to also bring to the people of Earth the next level of spirituality on the evolutionary path.  

The next step, beloved ones, is Spiritual Freedom, not only for yourselves, but for your entire human family and this planet. And as many of you know, this is not the work of a moment or a day, but of many, many lifetimes of service and I AM fully dedicated to this cause.  

The Divine Principle of Spiritual Freedom is one of God's most powerful and perfect gifts, for it is given as the very basis of life itself, to every lifestream who chooses to embody on the Earth. Through the gift of free will, each individual is empowered to make various choices and then, as they live their lives, learn all that is required as they travel through their individual and collective lives, until God's Truth is fully reached, realized and expressed in the world of form.  

It is vitally important that you each now understand and accept to the depths of your beings and worlds, the truth of the following statement. You have always been spiritually free! You have, through this sacred gift of freedom, freely chosen your path every step of the way and diligently followed it to reach this very important moment, place and situation in your life.  

Another very significant step in further understanding God's Truth is to give up and fully release any pre-conceived human ideas that may be causing you to confuse God's Truth with human truth. Many of you have probably often heard, or perhaps even made statements like "There is my truth and your truth", which seem to indicate that there are different levels of truth. I say to you that the only place that different levels of truth may seem to exist, are within one's consciousness.  

These seemingly different truths are based on each individual's level of understanding. Judgments made by one person or group of people toward another, or upon the outer appearance or conditions that prevail at various times and in various ages, also add to the so-called differences in the truth. Beloved ones, please realize that various judgments, situations, appearances and levels of understanding have nothing to do with God's Truth, only how one perceives God's Truth.  

Then, you ask: What is God's Truth? God's Truth is eternal and unchanging. God's Truth never changes based on outer circumstances or appearances, but remains ever stationary and rooted in place as the very foundation for all created life. This is so, regardless of what may seem to be evident around you. God's Truth never judges, and it never causes divisions between lifestreams, for these ideas are based on nothing more than human understanding and judgment.  

Within God's Truth, all are equally and divinely loved and respected. All are equally given the gift of free will from God, therefore becoming co-creators of their individual and group life experiences and circumstances. This is a truth to which you must each return time and time again, until it is fully understood and accepted at the deepest reaches of your inner being. It is you, through your free will choices, who have chosen, developed and manifested your life circumstances, whether they were positive or negative, of your present time and place experience.  

What then, is the first step in bettering your present life circumstances, if you so desire? It is the conscious relinquishment of your human will and perception to God's Will and divine perception. Oh, my blessed friends, please be aware that during this period our beloved Father-Mother God intends no guilt nor sorrow, no self-blame, to accompany this process of relinquishment! Think deeply, and know that the truth of God's Will is little more than the perfect balance of love, wisdom and power to create anew! The tool that has been given to accomplish this re-creation is the sacred Violet Transmuting Flame! It cannot be stated too frequently that this is the gift of the New Age, which will enable you to each become, not just accidental co-creators with God, but conscious co-creators with God. When this idea is fully understood and accepted, you will then truly be one with the mind and heart of God!  

Even as I have come as the leader and initiator of the New Age of Spiritual Freedom, I remind you that you, too, have come to work with me. Beloved ones, I stand before you now and say to you once again: I AM YOUR FRIEND! I AM YOUR FRIEND! I AM YOUR FRIEND! Do you remember that I said I would always be here for you, each and every one? I stated I would help you learn to use my gift, the sacred Violet Transmuting Flame, to purify and cleanse yourselves, the very garments you wear, and the entire planet Earth, preparing for the Flame of freedom to finally become an integral part of the consciousness of every man, woman and child evolving here. Well I AM here and it is time to do it now!  

Dear ones, there are many stages to every spiritual gift, and at this moment you need to immerse yourselves in the divine aspect of forgiveness; letting go of blame, both toward yourselves and others. I AM sure you will agree that this is proving not to be an easy task, nor one that can be accomplished without great persistence and determination. To assist you in this process, I would like to remind you of some important aspects of forgiveness that may be helpful to you in accomplishing your objective. One side effect of forgiving is that it can manifest as an activity of looking outside yourself to place blame upon others in any given situation. Oh, my dearest heartfelt friends, I ask you to be especially careful not to get caught up in this less than divine activity!  

Even though it may seem to be presenting itself to your mind as an activity of purification, it will only serve to block the progress of your own spiritual path. I remind you that no act of placing blame is ever an act of purification, but rather one of separation! I mention this today only to bring this very important truth to your attention, not to stir up feelings of anger or guilt in your hearts, for that is also a separating activity! Over centuries I have offered to teach you how to achieve Spiritual Freedom and to be able to assist others through your own divine example. Beloved, I now stand before you with this same offer.  

During 1997 you used the Thoughtform and Theme to fully enter the Consciousness of the Christ within your hearts and to prepare for the work of the new year of 1998. This year will consistently deal more intensely with the purification process which must now take place. In logical and sacred order of progress, you will thus be fully prepared to truly become the harbingers of peace, which is the final preparation to take place before the close of this century. There is only one way to accomplish this work and it must begin with you, both as individuals and within your groups as well.  

During this year of preparation for the Peace of God to fully enfold the Earth, realize that only those who can understand the concept and perceive the divine plan for the Earth will be able to fulfill this work adequately. There are many who are true lightworkers on the Earth at this time. Each of you are doing some specific part of the entire task, To accomplish your work, beloved ones, you have been privileged to receive the knowledge and the gift of the Sacred Fire, the Body of God, to assist you on your forward path toward enlightenment. At this time, the sacred Violet Transmuting Flame, as it possesses many aspects of the virtues of God, is knowledge which must be remembered and put to intense use, in order to fulfill your specific part of God's great plan.  

Remember the Theme of this conference: "The truth will set you free!" These words, given 2000 years ago by Master Jesus, are among the most powerful in the universe. There is yet another part of Jesus' statement, which is a promise to all who seek God's Truth. It is: "you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.” Remember this, beloved! You must first seek the truth, then you will not only come to know the truth, but with understanding the truth shall set you free! Then, my beloved chelas, in following these sacred steps, you shall become God's Truth in action at all times!

My friends, I want you to remember that my temple, the Cathedral of Saint Germain, is part of a magnificent complex of light which includes Pallas Athena's Temple of Truth and Micah's Temple of Unity. God's Truth is reached through the activity of purification by Violet Fire, and true unity is realized only as the culmination of becoming one with God's Truth! Can you now clearly see why our three temples exist within one mighty spiritual complex of living light?  

In closing, I ask for your full cooperation with me, in bring Spiritual Freedom to this Earth through the relentless search for God's Truth, and the faithful use of the Sacred Violet Flame in this quest. Respect all life, knowing this is part of your service, as you walk your own path toward mastery. Take responsibility in this work, accepting neither blame nor credit, but serving from a mind connected with the Mind of God at all times and a heart connected with the Heart of God at all times. Let the power of your I AM Presence freely express through your lifestream now and forever! I look forward with great happiness in co-serving with you during this coming year and I know there shall be many times when we will come together in silent communion.

Your friend and brother of many ages,

Saint Germain





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