To Those I Leave Behind *

Please do not sing sad songs for me,

Forget your grief and fear,

For I AM in that perfect place,

Away from pain and tears. 

I'm far away from hunger

And hurt and need and pride.

 I’ve finally found my place on high,

With the Masters at my side.

 My life on Earth was very good,

 As earthly lives do go.

But where I AM is so much more

Than we have been allowed to know.

 For just a moment I felt lost,

Afraid to move around.

Then angels came when they were called

And suddenly I AM found.

 My heart is filled with happiness

And sweet rejoicing too.

To walk with God in perfect peace,

 Is a joy forever new.

 * An offering of love and comfort to those who remain on

Earth after the transition of a loved one from the

physical plane to the inner realms of Light.





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