The Shamballa Letters

Timeless information previously published and offered to the subscribers of the Shamballa letters

VOLUME 14, Number 37,38,39,40 & 41

September 11, 15, & 25; October 2 & 9 1992

Beloved Chelas of the One Light,  

The teaching foci over the North American continent function in a coordinated way to serve the needs of all chelas and students of Light around the entire planet. Because teaching is the focus of this year of 1992, we have been speaking primarily of the teaching foci which exist within these larger complexes or retreats of the ascended masters and cosmic beings. I will now give you an overview of how all the foci of light and the entire system of ascended master retreats connect and function to assist the Earth at all times.  

The great triangle over the United States is formed by Shamballa, the Great Teton Retreat and the cities of St. John. This particular triangle is planetary in scope, serving the teaching requirements of, not only the needs of people in the North and South American Continents, but all students of light worldwide.  

Over many continents there is a triangular activity of retreats dedicated to certain specific qualities of the Godhead. These function under the supervision of various ascended masters or other cosmic beings, who serve as their hierarchs. The hierarchs draw energy from the sun on behalf of the retreats through which they serve. This energy is then focused and expanded through their brotherhoods, and used for the needs they have chosen. These formations of retreats magnetize and expand the energy within the triangle to which they belong, and then project it outward from the focus located at the eastern most point of the triangle. That energy travels and connects with the next retreat or focus of light, and merges with the energy being magnetized and generated there. If that next focus belongs to another triangle, the energy moves within the triangle first, as described above, before exiting at the eastern most point and moving onward.  

All foci of light are included in this process, whether they are a single focus in their area, or belong to a large complex of retreats or etheric cities. Each focus adds to the spiritual light energy before sending it onward in an easterly direction, so it is constantly increased and intensified as it moves around the Earth. There are single foci of light contained within the perimeters of the triangles, and also around them.  

There are foci of light over the oceans of the Earth, about which we have as yet spoken little. While it is not necessary that you know the location and identity of every focus of light around, upon, or within the Earth, it is important for you to know that they are there, adding constantly to your well being, and that of all Earth's evolutions.

I ask that you visualize this tremendous network of light, using the foci of which you are aware, and observe the constant movement of light that is taking place. Please add a point of light at your own physical location, for you are a part of this grand network! See a bridge connect into the network from where you are. You may add points of light where you know other chelas and groups to be. You may also call for increased light at locations upon the Earth where you feel there is a special need at this moment in time. This is one way in which foci of light may be created, or reactivated.  

Many ancient foci of light exist within the etheric realms of the planet, just waiting for the flame to be activated in them once again through the love of some embodied being of light. When this occurs, they may resume service to the areas near them which require additional light, to fulfill healing or other needs.  

As various retreats and foci of Light are discussed, if you will visualize the activity of light described, great intensification and expansion of the body of light will take place around the Earth.  

Drawing Forth Positive Energy 

When you make your calls, you tap into the network formed by the ascended master retreats, cities and other foci of light. All energy drawn from the sun of your system and the Great Central Sun of Alpha and Omega itself, moves through the network of light formed by these foci.  

In addition, each retreat or focus may draw from this network when there is a special need in their locale, or when that retreat is open to humankind for a specific period of time. This flow of energy from retreat to retreat; focus to focus; is in constant motion around the Earth. The energy is constantly being added to, or drawn from, according to the need.  

The purpose and concern of the hierarchs and brotherhoods of these retreats is the concentrated focusing and transmission of light energy. Their attention must be constant and steadfast, or else the energy could not be used efficiently. The awareness of these beings must always be upon the needs arising from the Earth's evolutions. The hierarchs must also be alert toward the support required at other retreats for their service.  

You can understand from this brief description how important it is for the attention of the hierarchs and their brotherhoods to be focused upon the purpose to which they are dedicated. This is one of the major reasons why we are expanding our teaching efforts so greatly at this time. Your assistance is needed. You are among the few upon the Earth from whom this assistance may be asked.  

Although there are hundreds of thousands of good-hearted and wonderful people embodied who truly desire healing for others, there are few who understand the spiritual principles involved in the use of the sacred flames. Because there are so few who understand the full extent of their personal power for healing, instead of being enabled to take active and conscious part in this healing, they may draw upon the universal healing energy primarily to relieve their own personal feelings of depression or helplessness. This will tell you of the extreme importance of insisting upon and maintaining an attitude which is positive, loving and peaceful in vibration.  

It is my prayer that you understand more and more fully the extent to which the purification and healing of the Earth and all its evolutions depends upon the vows and dedication of our chelas. We are working to draw all lightworkers on the planet to those of you who have an understanding of the Seventh Ray teachings. Be constant in your work, beloved ones, and know your every effort is treasured by those of us who are working alongside you. I bless you, dear friends!


The Body of Light 

The spiritual energy that Brother Kuthumi has been describing serves many functions as it moves around the Earth, which we will talk about as the need arises. Today, as I define the meaning of the term, 'Body of Light', I will focus on the relationship between the network formed by the retreats of the ascended masters and the corresponding network formed by our chelas.  

I wish to expand and clarify your understanding regarding the term; 'Body of Light'. I have chosen this term to designate the unified body of chelas through whom the spiritual energy may be channeled for the good of the entire race.  

It is connected with the network of ascended master retreats by bridges, or ties of light. The bridges are created at each point where a chela resides and works. When there is a group, the bridge at that location then intensifies, because the energies of each member of the group are woven together to create a larger and stronger span of light.  

This entire network created by the spiritual energies of the initiates, chelas and other light workers, becomes the vehicle of the cosmic Christ. Perhaps it could best be understood if you think of the network of ascended master retreats as representing the I AM Presence for the planet which it serves. The network of initiates, chelas, and other lightworkers then acts as the intermediary, or step-down transformer, for the race consciousness. The Body of Light receives the higher understanding from the ascended master retreats and foci of light, then translates it into practical ways and means of presentation to the race consciousness.  

Another service given by the Body of Light is that of making calls on behalf of the entire race, for whatever it perceives as needed to raise the group consciousness. It may also make calls on behalf of other evolutions embodied on the Earth, such as elemental life, embodied angels, the incoming root race, and in general, whatever it perceives the needs to be. It serves as a translating focus for the planet to the ascended masters and cosmic lords who are concerned. Consequently, the Body of Light may be understood to be not only a step-down transformer, but also a step-up transformer!  

We speak often of the importance of each and every chela to the work that forms our sacred partnership, and it is such a joy to be able to give you more and more understanding about how we are truly ONE!¾truly UNIFIED in CONSCIOUSNESS! While I realize that each chela has much to learn, this is true for us, as well. Your progress assists not only the evolutions that follow you, but also the ones that are preceding you. As I AM THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD, so, my blessed ones, are you!  

When Master Jesus said that there was much to learn that could not yet be received, he was speaking of the love of God. As each of you learns to receive, as you learn how much you are loved within the heart of the supreme source of all life, then you can gradually begin to bear the burden of love. The burden of love, pure divine love, is LIGHT! Contemplate the words, 'I AM THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD'! Contemplate the words, 'My burden is light!'  

Contemplate the Love of God! 

As you contemplate the love of God and your burdens of light, many of you have received a deeper understanding of the tears of the Christ! These are tears of gratitude, the natural response of the heart to the illumination of God's love within your being. For every such tear, I AM grateful also! Tears of love and gratitude release the soul from the bondage of human consciousness into the fuller light and love of God. Every time one soul is released in a significant way, there is a flow of forgiveness and mercy across the face of the Earth.  

The flow received from all of you has moved through the entire Body of Light, and greatly intensified its activity and strength. It has brought a deepening of the required God qualities needed to unify all of our chelas into the spiritual force required for planetary healing to take place.  

There are three primary God qualities needed at this point in time. These are; forgiveness, patience, and unity. These qualities will work together for the good of the whole Body of Light, if you keep in mind that each individual must rise above all possibility of qualifying his or her life force with anything of the human. This will require forgiveness, for the times you or your co-servers may fail to keep feelings, words, actions, or reactions clearly spiritual. I suggest that you call upon Lady Kwan Yin for assistance when required. Receive her mercy, for it is always more than the law requires!  

Patience is closely allied with forgiveness and mercy, and will definitely be required. For this God quality, I ask you to turn your attention to beloved Gautama, Lord of the World. Be patient with yourself, as well as others, and understand that this is one of the most difficult initiations to master. This realization will increase your ability to become more patient!  

Finally, cultivate the quality of unity. Call upon beloved Micah for assistance. He enfolds not only the activity of The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom but that of each chela, as well. Visualize his blue star of unity, and let yourself be completely enfolded within its mighty radiance. Let the soft blue light permeate your beings and worlds. Breathe it in, absorb it as fully as you can, and breathe it out to fill your auras. This is a powerful and much needed treatment, and will overcome all differences that might otherwise attempt to cause feelings of separation between yourself and others.  

This is a treatment of light and love that may be used effectively for groups as well. His love, as well as mine and that of every member of the Great White Brotherhood, is freely available to each and every one of you! So saying, I now enfold you in my love.  

John, the Beloved

Spiritual Telepathy Within the Concept of Unity 

John, the Beloved, has asked that you especially call upon the law of forgiveness, as well as developing increased patience, to prepare yourselves to fulfill the tasks that face you. Through this work you will find that unity in your service to the light will not be as difficult to achieve as it has seemed in the past.  

At this time, all of our chelas are meeting challenges within their individual and group endeavors to increase the light upon the Earth. For this reason, your knowledge about the Body of Light and its great potential will be of tremendous assistance to you. I ask that you concentrate upon the Body of Light in your work, thinking about the unity it represents among all chelas and lightworkers on the planet. Develop your powers of working in this way, and build the Body of Light ever stronger, as it is the expression of the unity required to hold a planetary focus of healing.  

This is extremely important, for as you concentrate upon the power of unity within the Body of Light, you are each developing your powers of spiritual telepathy. The power of spiritual telepathy is container within the concept of unity, and it will become more necessary, facilitating and increasing the flow of Light between individuals who are working together for the common good. Realize that a relatively small group of chelas, working in any one area of the planet, who have a special need for strength, protection, or any God-Quality, will be able to draw from the whole planetary Body of Light.  Before this time, although we have spoken often of unity, we have not named the Body of Light. Now this unified body has become strong enough to function as the vehicle for the cosmic Christ.  

Although this vehicle is composed of the combined energies of all embodied lightworkers, it has direct access to the light-force of the Great White Brotherhood at all times. This higher force of light was named "The Spirit of The Great White Brotherhood" a long time ago. It includes the Light and gifts of the ascended masters and all ascended beings who are a part of it. The Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood uses the system of retreats and other foci of light as the vehicle through which their energies are channeled. This vehicle, in turn, accesses the higher brotherhoods of the archangels, elohim, and other cosmic lords, who act as their advisors and guardians, and so forth.  

Although we are giving you an understanding of how you are functioning as an embodied being of light, it is intended to show you that you are also members of the ascended brotherhoods of light. When incarnated as Jesus, I expressed this by saying "I AM in the Father and the Father is in me. You are in me, and I AM in you."  

At one time, beloved Lord Lanto said that no matter how advanced you may become, there will always be a 'far superior being'. I express the same truth to you, except that I speak of the unified efforts at various levels of being, all brotherhoods everywhere, universe after universe.  

It is my desire to give you an unlimited vision of brotherhood, the expanded understanding of unity which is my gift. Every lightworker upon the Earth is a part of this vehicle for the cosmic Christ energies to this planet, whether they are aware of the Body of Light or not. However, the advantage of awareness, of consciousness, is a great power. It means that each one of you, our chelas, can empower the vehicle of the cosmic Christ energies to the Earth by your acceptance and incorporation of this knowledge into your everyday activities. You, who receive the gifts of consciousness, become the benefactors to all life, together with myself.  

I love you, beloved cells in the one Body of Light, as I have loved you forever! Accept this, my gift of unity, and let it begin within your precious hearts. Together, we are ONE!


Archangel of Unity





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