It Is Time To Take A Chance!

Violet Fire Service at Shamballa

March 23, 1998

To those I hold so close to my heart,


To you, beloved ones, who are working so gallantly out of necessity, which is the power of natural law that cannot be other than it is, in other words, divine order; I bow before your ever expanding light. Please take a moment right now and feel my profound love and deep gratitude for each and every one of you and the unique gifts and blessings you bring, not only to this Activity of Light, but to the planet Earth.  

However, I have not come to you this day to inflate your egos but to let you know the need of the hour and the importance of your presence in the world at this point in the evolution of your planet, especially at the spiritual level. As I often do, I also come with a gentle reminder. It is more important than ever before that you take time during your daily routine to quietly connect with those of us who have gone before you. You must make time to receive any assistance you may require in your day-to-day activities and to rest and recharge your energies so that you may more perfectly do the work you came to do during this embodiment.

As you are aware, it is a time of great transition, not only for the entire planet but for this Activity of Light as well. The final decade of this century has been a period to plan, change and grow. Especially for this Activity, it has been a time of passing the authority and the responsibility from those who brought forth The Bridge to Spiritual Freedom to those who have the training, understanding, skill and most importantly, the vision to rapidly move this organization forward into the New Age. Even if you will not see the results of your service in this lifetime, it is time to lay a firm foundation and establish new policies at both the spiritual and worldly levels so that in the future, this institution will not be affected by anything that would seek to harm it in any way.

As we have been saying for some time now, the material brought forth through this Activity must be distributed on a planetary scale. The people of Earth also need to learn of the many sacred ceremonial aspects that are so much a part of The Bridge. Remember, this is the Earth's spiritual future and must be made available to all those who are seeking peace and harmony in their lives and this beloved ones, is the most important part of your work, now and in the days to come.

However, each one of you and the activity itself must be well prepared to provide this service to life and this is the reason for what is taking place now. Please know that the struggles and conflicts you are going through at this time are nothing more than the final vestiges of darkness fighting for its very existence upon this planet and as I look upon each one of you I know that this fight will truly not be in vain. For even as I speak to you, darkness is being replaced with a greater light than the Earth has ever known. Throughout this process please do not be afraid dear sisters and brothers, for all is being put in right and perfect order. Circumstances are favorable for making changes in your personal lives so it is time to prepare yourselves well and then stand up and step out on your own two spiritual feet.  

Be aware, that just as you have been working to remove all that you no longer need to cling to in this life, my brothers El Morya and Lord Principa, and myself have been preparing the way for the important work you are beginning to accomplish and will continue to work with in the future. Now is the time beloved ones! I know I have said this many times before; accept your crown and scepter! You know you have the desire and dedication to complete your divine plans, otherwise you would not be receiving my words now. I also understand you are a little shaky with the details and fearful of how to accomplish your task and it is for this reason that we are here!

Remember always, we have stood where you now find yourself standing. We had the same doubts and questions which now fill your minds and feeling worlds. We too listened to the still small voice within and chose to take a chance. And beloved ones, for each of us it turned out to be the opportunity of many lifetimes. It is now time for you to take responsibility for your every thought, word, action and deed. It is time to use the tools and information you have so lovingly been given throughout each lifetime of existence on this planet, for they are yours to command! Advance along the magnificent pathway of Light that stretches out before you dear chelas and in so doing you shall assist in Earth's movement ever forward back into the Light of God that is Eternally Victorious.

Enfolding you always in my loving protection of the Violet Fire of Freedom's Love, I AM your brother and your friend forever!

Saint Germain






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