Preparation for the Inflow of the

Mighty Resurrection Flame

By beloved lady Kwan Yin

April 1981

Friends of my heart, I AM privileges to come to you at this time to assist you to prepare for the great inflow of that mighty Flame of Resurrection which will be energized at the triumphant season of Easter. This year we shall celebrate that glorious feast with a more illumined consciousness of the accomplishment of the Master Jesus, who came as a wayshower for you, to give humankind the proof that life is eternal!  

Now, many of you have recorded in your etheric garments the activities which took place during his ministry, having been in embodiment at that time, but this is not true of all humankind. Yet, in the majority, the peoples of this Earth believe in the Resurrection of beloved Jesus. It is not only the faith of the present embodiment of man on this Earth which makes this victory acceptable to the human consciousness. It is the gathered momentum of the centuries which has been continuously accepted, having passed from generation to generation, through verbal description and recorded word on the parchment and other page. That momentum is so great that it has stirred the memory within the etheric garments of man and is readily acknowledged in this present embodiment.  

There have been rumblings in the feelings of some chelas that we have tried to take away some of the glory from the beloved Master. This feeling is due to ignorance, or lack of acceptance of the true facts. Jesus came to Earth in that embodiment to again stir in the consciousness of humankind the realization that there is no death; life without end, flowing ceaselessly from the central fount of all life—the Father-Mother God.  

If one insists on dwelling on the birth of beloved Jesus, when his mission was just begun, they pass up the opportunity of the momentum of victory - the Resurrection - or proof that........ there is no death.  

Returning to the ceaseless flow of the life force from the heart of creation, why is it that it must be repolarized constantly into perfection? Through free will humanity has chosen to step into the highways and byways of human experience, seeking what he thinks is the pursuit of happiness.  

We are now at the moment of cosmic evolution for the planets and all life belonging thereto, when the scales are being balanced, thus man is reaping the harvest of the imperfection with which he has desecrated the life energy of the Father-Mother God through the ages.  

We have reminded you again and again that it is imperative that the causes and cores of imperfection must be transmuted, and we have presented to you the way and means for this purification. I must forcefully remind you, dear children, that you are among the most privileged on this Earth, who are aware of the activities of the sacred fire, and have accepted those agents of purification ... but I must add, only to a degree. I come to implore you to accept the sacred fire whole heartedly and use it with conviction! Oh the blessed feelings .... remember we have told you that the mental concept is not sufficient, it must be energized by the feelings (the emotional world) to become manifest fact.  

As you know, I have the signal honor of being a member of the Karmic Board. I pray that when you appear before the Goddess of Opportunity, beloved Portia, and my humble self that you will not feel like running away if you have not heeded Our counsel and have passed up the opportunities which we are now presenting to you. There will be no censure on our parts, but all debts must be paid, and if a balance has to be made, you will have to serve in the temples set up for this purpose, thus delaying your expanded service in the Kingdom of Heaven.  

I AM particularly interested in the women of the race, in the restoration of the dignity which they should manifest. I do not have to call your attention to the shameful condition in which many find themselves today, in particular the adolescent young women. Oh so much reverts to the lack of true family life.  

When the knowledge that God is our all, the animating principle behind all life, was the way of life and the home was built around that fact, the parents lovingly setting an example for their children, there was far less restless yearning for the "pleasures" outside the home or in community activities.  

Yes, karma does have an influence on the young, but it is the formative constructive molding of the way of life by the parents who volunteered to accept these lifestreams as their charges which plays a most important part.  

We do not overlook, or include, those homes where there is a realization of the responsibility which lies with the parents - there are many such on this Earth, but I speak of the overwhelming number of the youth of today who know not what to do with the life force which is flowing through them, and in uncertainty and confusion seek to experiment with the ways presented to them in the outer world.  

Beloved ones, this is a very delicate subject upon which to address you, but you are mature enough in consciousness to go into action with the purification which is required.  

It has been said that a child knows from the moment of birth whether it can 'get its own way'. Training should begin immediately. You have noted in your magazines and newspapers the very early age at which the dedicated teachers of the very young are finding what seems an unusual response and constructive development from so-called pre-school children. This awakening is very gratifying especially to beloved Mother Mary and myself, who have prepared these lifestreams in the Sacred Heart Temple. In the last decades you will remember many, many illumined lifestreams have taken embodiment. They will be the teachers in this, the New Age, and will take the place of many who have remained on Earth well past the time when they could have gone 'Home'.  

It is for the protection of these advanced lifestreams, that they will not be impregnated with the contamination which is so rampant among the young today, that we make our plea. Oh these beautiful spirits, pray daily for their protection from the infiltration of the chaotic evil accepted by so many as the way of life today.

Draw the light rays of purification and focus them through all homes, schools and meeting places of the young. Set up an invisible focus of the Violet Fire of mercy and compassion so when imperfection seeks to intrude, it will be immediately transmuted by the sacred fire. Ask the ascended legions of Lord Michael to guard every home, and protect them and all therein by the cosmic action of the Blue Flame.  

It is indeed a blessing that you cannot witness from the inner the 'poverty of the souls of men'. They must be awakened to the 'Way of Spirit'. To assist them in their acceptance of the true way of life, we come to you, who have had this priceless gift placed at your disposal. Be about the Father's Business, and help people of the globe into the pure way of life, so that the dignity of life may express. This costs you not a penny, all you have to give is some of your time in engaging in the activity of the use of the sacred fire.  

I could go on and on, repeating what you know to be true, the necessity of purifying the energies which have been and are daily being misspent by the peoples of this Earth. I do so sincerely hope that I have impregnated my words with sufficient feeling that they will find a welcome in your blessed hearts.  

You know, you are the flowers in God's Kingdom, while the majority of men are just budding.  

The love of beloved Mother Mary, beloved Portia and myself enfolds you. Will you be ourselves in the world of form? A call to us will find immediate response, and we are willing always through our builded momentum, to amplify the activity of the sacred fire in which you choose to engage, for the enrichment of yourselves and all humankind. Can we depend on you?  

I have digressed to a degree from my opening statement that I have come to prepare you for the celebration of the glorious Feast of the Resurrection, but a little reflection will show you, all purifying action is a process of Resurrection. When I AM lifted up, I shall draw all men to me!









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