The Shamballa Letters

Another gentle Reminder

February 1998

My beloved co-servers, how many times did you find yourself standing firmly within the Presence of God I AM during this past month as you purposefully and consciously examined how you interact with other people according to the information and instructions offered by Master Hilarion? It probably wasn't as often as you hoped it would be and I encourage you not to be too hard on yourself for this observation. You are going through the process of expanding your consciousness, beloved ones, and each time you are able to recognize areas in which improvement can take place in your lives, offer your joy and gratitude to God for each and every opportunity and learn from them.

Today, I would like to offer for your consideration a message I shared with the student body almost forty five years ago concerning human's reluctance to change whenever we receive and are offered an invitation to step across the threshold of man's consciousness and accept the questionable 'hospitality' of association with the outer self which I believe you will find my words just as important now as they were then:

"Since our introduction to society we have been subject to these invitations which would be laughable if so much did not hinge upon them. The first timid overtures to us from the boldest of spiritual pioneers went something like this; 'I say! Are you there? Well, if you are, please come in but my world is in perfect systematic running order. Please, don’t disturb anything. It would be jolly if you would stay for awhile and tell me all about myself!'  

Now, on the face of it, we cannot even think of a person without disturbing the rhythm of their worlds, let alone stepping over the threshold into actual association with them; so the door is closed before we can even acknowledge the invitation, if you can call it such.

On the rare occasion when we were permitted to answer and enter the world of the chela, of course things began to happen. The living battery of our energies, no matter how they are muted, energizes everything it touches. Thus, when we enter the consciousness, the rearrangement of the world of the student begins. It is as uncomfortable as all house-moving renovations and improvements always are to the self which enjoys stagnation. Then¾the reaction! Disappointment in the guests and usually forcible eviction and thus closes the sweet association between man and the Masters! " *

*Taken from ‘The First Ray by Thomas Printz . 

When you call upon us, know without any doubt, your lives will change and sometimes these changes may be difficult for you to endure. However, I encourage you to allow yourself to continue this spiritual journey, for ultimately you will reach your final destination even though perhaps this day it may seem almost impossible.

My beloved co-servers, you must believe in yourselves! We are truly one in the Body of God and our love, the love that flows from our Father-Mother God to and through us, is not just for a select few but for all life. Many have followed this path before you and many more are waiting to step upon it. Know that you are never alone, for even when you feel forsaken you are enfolded in my love, strength and protection and I shall forever remain your friend of the ages!            

El Morya






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