Welcome and Blessings to the

Beloved Spirit of the New Year

As the New Year dawns, let us remember the words of our beloved El Morya who has stated:


"GREETINGS AND BLESSINGS TO YOU, beloved Spirit of the Year. As yet, not one ounce of energy has been written into your etheric garments. You stand in hopeful anticipation, awaiting the contributions of all the evolutions on the Earth, in the Earth and in its atmosphere! We decree that all who use the sacred energy of life in the new year shall allow that energy to co-operate with the Spiritual Hierarchy to make of 1998 a year of glorious God Accomplishment for humankind, imprisoned angels and elemental life! At the close of this year, you shall return to the Father of All Life, the Universal I AM Presence, with garments 'white as snow.


"Dear Spirit of the Year, we thank you for allowing us such opportunity to continue in our redemptive process for those energies, misqualified by those who have used the Earth as a schoolroom through the ages. As you unfold your wings of light and expand your radiation around the sweet Earth, we do decree that we shall secure such assistance from every unascended member of the human race, all imprisoned angels, elementals and every living thing, that it will enable you to wear the Crown of Victorious Christ Accomplishment and present the Earth and its evolutions to the Ascended Master Saint Germain as his own Star of Light within this twelve-month period!"

To our gentle readers who are actively interested in bringing the Earth back to Its pristine purity and perfection, we decree a year when vision shall become manifest fact―when the hopes in the hearts of earnest chelas shall become expressed manifestation of the proper use of the Cosmic Law through purified vehicles of creation!

We decree for our gentle readers a year of God-Victorious Accomplishment, combining mercy, transmutation and freedom actually manifesting the law, so that their own worlds are filled with all that is required for personal and cosmic service. We also decree that they shall stand forth, right here in the physical appearance world, Christ-victorious men and women-an example of a life well lived―an inspiration to the masses so they too will endeavor to accomplish.  

To all, we say―a Happy New Year, filled with an increasing understanding of the Cosmic Law and the necessary practical cooperation with that law in its use, for their own betterment and for the redemption of our sweet Earth.  

May the Spirit of Christmas abide with you throughout the Coming Year!








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