Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 1, No. 29                                                                                                                  December 28, 1952


The Glorious Ceremony of Purification and Merciful Forgiveness for the misuse of Energy and Light during the twelve-month period that is passing into Eternity, begins today in the Heart of the Great Rocky Mountain Retreat. 

There are no words to describe the compassion of that Forgiving Love of the Cosmic Christ into which the souls of every lifestream upon the planet are consciously drawn, that their karma might be lessened and that they may step forth into the pulsation of the New Year with a new opportunity to find Mercy and, through Mercy Peace. 

The great Audience Chamber is completely decorated in all the variegated tones of the Purple Ray, from the most delicate pink violet and blue violet tones to the rich, deep purples, which represent the most concentrated essence of that Flame of Mercy, Forgiveness and Compassion. 

The velvet chair backs and cushions are all a royal purples embroidered in gold, and the Masters and visiting guests wear robes of the varying degrees of the purple color tone representative of their particular activity in connection with the Flame of Mercy. 

Saint Germain's Throne Chair is placed in the centre of the platform, facing the audience. On his right is the Throne of Kwan Yin, the Goddess of Mercy and on his left is that of Mary, the Mother of Jesus, SANAT KUMARA maintains his position in the Central Throne facing the Altar, and the two end seats of the semi-circle (previously occupied by the Masters Jesus and Mary) are the Throne-Seats today of Oromasis and Diana, the Prince and Princess of the Fiery Element. 

The glorious archways connecting the platform with the audience are composed of violets, shading from a delicate pink to the deep velvety purples. 

The vestments of Saint Germain embody all the beauty, dignity and courtliness which have earned for him the reputation of "The Prince of Heaven." 

A moment or two before the Ceremony commences, the Lords of Karma take their places in the atmosphere above the High Altar. They also wear their Robes of State, with seven-pointed crowns upon their heads, richly incrusted with diamonds and amethysts. 

The Silent Watcher, standing high in the atmosphere above the mountain, with Arcturus, bathes the entire locality in the substance of the Violet Light which flows from his Luminous Body like a beautiful garment of the finest of chiffon that has yet a softly luminous quality in its gentle radiance. 

The Master Saint Germain, at the moment of the Invocation, charges into the atmosphere directly in front of the Altar (before which he stands) a Flash of Flame from his Heart, Head and Hand. This becomes the Initial Impulse for the Flame of Mercy, through which the mankind of earth will pass. 

From the centre of this Flame, petals unfold, until a great Lotus Flower is formed, its purple petals extending the full width of the wide platform. This beautiful Thought-Form is at first transparent, of a gossamer substance but which continues to intensify and condense until it forms at last a fairly wide pathway which can be observed by the Lords of Karma, who are facing the audience, as well as by the audience itself. This beautiful Lotus-Pathway is suspended in the atmosphere by a gently-curved band of Purple Light which is anchored through the violet archways at each end of the platform. 

The Goddess of Justice, as "Spokesman" for the Lords of Karma, then begins to call the roll of mankind. As their names are called, they pass through the archway of violets up onto this Pathway of Purple Flame, accompanied by their Sponsors (if they are conscious chelas) and by their Guardian Angels (if they are among the masses). 

As each one stands for a moment in the very heart of the Lotus-Flame, the motive which prompted the creation of the karma for the coming year is examined and as much of that karma is wiped away as the motive within the heart would allow. 

A steady stream of souls thus proceed across this Flaming Pathway of Mercy and down the further side, joining the Assembly (if they are Students of Light) and returning to their various homes, if they are not yet awakened to the Inner Life. 

Every lifestream who has had even one minute of incarnation during the closing twelve-month cycle is given this opportunity for purification and soul-cleansing; therefore, you will see that the process is a lengthy one, and comprises a steady and constant stream in order to bathe and free some four billion souls prior to the release of the Vibration of the New Year. We expect this purification process to continue, day and night, up until the midnight preceding New Year's Eve. 

The mass of the people is passed through speedily, but the students of Light receive individual attention and assistance. 

At the close of this exquisite Ceremony, the Lotus Flame is expanded out over the entire assembly, and then, through their cooperative endeavor, it flows outward and covers the entire earth with its Merciful and Forgiving Radiance. 

After the completion of this Purifying Activity, mankind is prepared to receive the impetus of the Spirit who is to ensoul the Coming Year and the Thought-Form which will be the Directing Intelligence. 

May each and every one of you experience in your feelings the Uplifting Grace and the Joyous Release which the participation in this exquisite Ceremony of Compassion and Mercy imparts.

Love and Blessings,