Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 2 , No. 19                                                                                                                      August 2, 1953



The impersonal activity of the Holy Spirit is well represented in the hand, because there can be no personality connected with the office and service of a hand when the veil is drawn between that hand and the body from which it ensues. 

We have heard of the expression and we have all required the services of a 'helping hand' many times in the course of a lifetime, and oft times we knew not from whence that 'hand' would come. The Holy Spirit, in the choosing of a body through which he wishes to render a service or answer a prayer, must, of necessity, accept the services of a lifestream who wears a garment of flesh and throughout the planet earth, the Holy Spirit - many, many times has reached forth a helping hand through a wholly unconscious vehicle and by it has rendered a service of charity, of blessing, of comfort.. 

In the activity of the New Age which will be the final manifestation of an era of great perfection for the earth and her people - every hand of every lifestream - will become a Hand of the Holy Spirit. The Capacity to clench the fist - either in greed or anger will be replaced by the outstretched hand of Blessing, of Giving, of Raising. 

The physical fingers upon the hand are indicative of the Chohans of the Rays and when the Seventh Ray has completed its service to the earth and its people, the Cosmic Hand of the Universal Christ will stand revealed in the heavens - and from Its radiant, vibrant fingertips will the Advent of the Second Coming flow in unceasing benediction upon the Children of Earth. 

The dedication of the hands to the Holy Spirit was a most, important ceremony in the days of Atlantis. It took place within the Temple and was a most sacred Sacrament. Individuals, who, after long thought and serious contemplation, chose to relinquish the free will action of their hands into the greater use of the Invisible Deity, would place their hands upon the Altar and, through the offices of a Priest or Priestess of the Flame, have those hands united with the Cosmic Will of the Universal First Cause. Through the centuries these individuals have carried that particular connection and their hands have become naturally qualified to soothe, to heal, to convey blessings. This custom of the 'consecration of the hands' is pursued down to the present day when an individual has chosen to dedicate his lifestream to a Cause and is admitted into a certain 'Order'. 

There is no limit to the service that Life can render through the hands of an unascended being by the dedication of a lifestream to a Cause. Like a draft in the army - every man must - sooner or later ­give his hands as well as his heart to God, but those who volunteer and precede that draft are not only more loved of God, but experience in themselves the ecstasy of pre-dedication. 

The willing hand, dedicated to the Holy Spirit, can become the Hand of God in Action.

Love and Blessings,








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