Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 2, No. 23                                                                                         August 30, 1953


As the bee and the humming bird are drawn to the sweet nectar within the flower, so are we drawn into the world of form through the love in the hearts of those who choose to invite us into their presence. 

I shall never cease to bow my head in gratitude before the invitation of a son of man incarnate who desires to invest some of his time and energy in communion with any member of our Hierarchy, for it is in the opportunity thus afforded us that we are enabled to infiltrate the Word of God and his Truth into the consciousness of mankind. 

I come today in the Name of the Holy Spirit and I come to give you perhaps a feeling of his Nature. I am the Representative of the Holy Spirit to the earth. I would like to explain that a little to you, so that on occasion, if you choose, you may in turn illumine the consciousness of those you contact in regard to this particular Office, for if people become acquainted with it, perhaps in time they, too, will apply for understanding and I may be privileged in that repetition to assist another member of the race to develop into God Maturity. 

The Holy Spirit is the feeling world of God himself. It contains within itself every feeling of Virtue and Beauty and Harmony and Perfection that the human mind can conceive, as well as many qualities that, unfortunately, you are not even acquainted with mentally. The Representative of the Feeling World of God for each planet has the opportunity, as well at the responsibility of developing through the feeling world of every little stream the same Spirit of Holiness in which all the God Nature is consciously embodied and radiated at will. 

The planet earth, as you know, is a planet of the evolution and development particularly of the feeling world, and mankind, in activated ideas of every kind, is constantly using life and the spirit in which he uses that life determines the efficacy of manifestation... People proceed in the spirit of mischief - the spirit of fun - the spirit of malicious intent and I could go on and on enumerating indefinitely but it is the qualification of the energy of the feeling world, in other words, the feel which determines your action - whether physical or mental, that determines your karma. 

This is very hopeful, particularly for earnest hearts and souls who endeavor to assist life with the feeling of helpfulness and a desire to benefit and, even if the action does not produce the effect desired, there is no karma of destructive merit. BUT - when the feeling world is geared toward destructive intent - that is the sign which is preached in the orthodox churches as "the sin against the Holy Ghost" which is unforgiveable. 

The Seven Chohans each embody one of the supreme Qualities of God: The Spirit of Divine Will; The Spirit of Wisdom; The Spirit of Tolerance; The Spirit of Beauty and Genius; The Spirit of Mathematical Balance and Scientific Perfection; The Exquisite Spirit of Devotion and The Spirit of Ritual. Before one is entitled to hold the Office of the Holy Spirit, he is required to incorporate all these Qualities in himself. 

You, Beloved Ones, in your feeling worlds, embody particularly the Quality of Life which is the natural spirit of your lifestream - but it is subject to constant change through the pressure of your feeling worlds and it is my Endeavor, through the chelas who have been drawn in my radiation, to help you to consciously create a Spirit of Helpfulness - a Spirit-of optimism, a Spirit of Faith and Reverence - of Positive Assurance, of Sanctity - before you draw the energies of life forth to perform even the slightest activity in this physical appearance world... Don now the Vestments of your Spiritual Nature, which make every activity of life a ritual of Rhythmic Harmony and Balance. This is the service which the Seventh Ray will bring to the consciousness of all mankind in time. 

This service is more important than your outer minds yet can grasp because the feeling world is the energizing power by which all thought becomes action, either as things, or as world movements or as individual service through your daily lives and the quality and spirit which you have drawn through your feeling world determine the happiness or unhappiness which you produce through this service. 

The Beloved Master Saint Germain has said that your activities of daily living should be a ritual of ordered service, and this which I am bringing to your attention today is to intensify that consciousness within you that your ceremonial activities are not merely to be confined to the group work and Sanctuary worship... You are drawing, molding, directing and releasing life - waking and sleeping twenty-four hours out of every twenty-four and the Vestments of your feeling world determine for the most part whether you are living within the Natural Harmony of the Holy Spirit or within the caprice of the uncontrolled emotional vehicle, which, in sullenness or hurry, in zeal or depression, drives these living human qualities into the food that is being eaten, the bed that is being made, the letter that is being written or even the steps which you take upon a stair - the manner in which a door is opened or closed - a car driven or a horn is sounded. It is to infiltrate the understanding of life into the daily, hourly living that makes the theory of the Master manifest fact. 

Oh, Beloved Ones, if you can understand that your daily life can become this ritual of harmonious expression through the Holy Spirit of your own feeling world that all your life may become sanctified as it flows from your fingertips, from your lips, your eyes, the soles of your feet, from your heart, then the so-called monotonous and "Humdrum" experiences of everyday living can become such happy and joyous opportunities of qualifying with Comfort and Beauty this beautiful and impersonal life as it flows through you - wholly dependent upon the feeling world of each receiver for the garment It must wear in form. 

Oh, Beloved Ones, I love life so much and I always want to bring you Comfort, Hope and Promise and never to point in any way to conditions in your worlds or experience that are limiting your service and I congratulate you in the fact that you know now in your feelings that we are real and desirous of helping you.... 

If you will allow me daily before you start into even the simplest action of turning on the faucet or combing your hair, to give you the feeling of the Holy Spirit and if you become still enough to accept it then the energy of your feeling world will be activated by Holiness and as you proceed into your activities of the day, you can do so in that harmonious, gentle, impersonal manner which allows your life to flow forth as a caress to everyone you contact. If this were practiced there could never be exhaustion or depression and at the end of a twelve-hour period of service the physical form would be as refreshed as when you began and more so. I give you now the Blessings of the Cosmic Holy Spirit and hope that you will don the Vestments of your own Holy Spirit every morning before proceeding on your course.

Love and Blessings,







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