Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 2, No. 16                                                                                                 July 12, 1953


Your Higher Self is a Real and Tremendous Being of Light, Power, Dignity, Beauty and Freedom. When you feel your heart beating; think that the energy that beats it has flowed from that Being to sustain your body's life. 

Now that beautiful and Perfect Being has a plan and design for your lifestream which it has endeavored for several millions of years to fulfill. Age after age it has provided you with a strong and beautiful body and endeavored to manifest through you the design which God the Father desired that your Presence fulfill. 

Again you are in possession of a vehicle provided by this Presence and I would counsel that you turn to that Presence and listen to its promptings through your heart. This will require a certain relinquishment of your consciousness to the passing things of earth. 

If you can and will make this effort, you will find the Divine Teacher will set your house in order and things will progress to a point where you will become of greater help and assistance to those around you. This must come for every man, every woman, every child, for it is preordained by Life, but we can press that day if we are wise. 

The Ascended Master is always in complete control of all the energy of his lifestream and the vibrations passing from his thought and feeling world always express the harmony of his keynote. They are always in agreement with the Divine Law of Love, which is the consciousness of the Father as manifest through the Celestial Kingdom, the Angelic Host and the Hierarchy. 

If you would visualize your consciousness like a great ball or sphere rotating like the hands of a clock from left to right, at a certain speed and all the time throwing off electrical waves into the atmosphere, you would have a pretty good picture of the activity of your consciousness as soon with the inner eye. Then, if you would visualize the Ascended Master’s consciousness like a great iridescent sun, filled with the prismatic colors of the rainbow, as much larger than your own as the head of a pin is to the sun in the heavens and whirling in the same direction as your own, but so rapidly that you cannot see the rotation and sending off tons of Flame into the atmosphere that makes the entire heavens glow with its radiance, you will see that towards which you aspire).

Now, if you will take the lesser consciousness (which is your own) and place it mentally in the very center of that great whirling sphere of the Master's Consciousness - visualize the absorption of the one into the other and center that whole contemplation at the point between your eyes where the inner eye is developing, you will experience the most marvelous expansions of consciousness which has become like an open book to the advanced chelas of the East. 

If you will dwell upon this explanation, you can tremendously hasten your own unfoldment and if you will consciously blond your human consciousness into any Ascended Master's Consciousness upon which your mind dwells, you will find His Powers flowing through you freely to assist mankind.

Love and Blessings,







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