Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 3, No. 33                                                                                                    November 14, 1954

Beloved Children

There is only one life that flows through every one of the ten billions of lifestreams belonging to this system of worlds. Every lifestream is a channel for the one life. There is no difference between the life that flows through each one any more than there is a difference between the water that flows through the faucets on the main floor or the second floor of a building. The Father of All Life and the Ascended Masters are constantly pouring their Peace, their Perfection, their Mercy and their Freedom through every lifestream and there will not even be one atom on this planet which will not achieve Perfection and Immortality.

The great god Freedom (Saint Germain) has achieved this because his love was great enough to cause him to stand before the Throne of God and demand the opportunity to save this earth from dissolution. This boon was granted him and his answer was the gift of the Violet Transmuting Flame to mankind whereby they might cleanse and purify and redeem the electronic substance which they so boldly drew from the Heart of the Eternal and forced it to assume such shape and form as make the angels hide their faces in shame. 

Beloved children, Life is beautiful. It is a magic, mystic thing because it is substance composed of the body of God. It is a conscious emanation of the life of the individual pouring forth constantly into the atmosphere of earth everywhere. It is the electronic energy of Love itself, taking humbly whatever form is required of it by the user at the moment. The substance of my life is always obedient to my conscious command, whether it be to form a flower, a blade of grass, a sheaf of wheat or at times for a loved chela, even a dollar bill. 

Now, the Qualities of God are also substance. When I say "substance" I mean just this. When an Ascended Master answers your call for help, what does he do? He draws the essence from God's Heart which is a stream of electrons, these he projects toward you qualified with his Consciousness. These electrons are actual substance which can be molded into any form you require, into the answer to your prayer, into health, supply or illumination. Ask and ye shall receive. Your thoughts and feelings mold the substance of the electronic body of God into any shape or form you require. 

Let us use another simile! If a king has a son in a far country, his devotion to that son is great. From the king's heart he sends a trusted ambassador whom he bids to fulfill every requirement of the son. That is what the love of the Ascended Master does for the individual. The ambassador seeing the requirements of the King's son manifests love as his bodily comfort, his spiritual happiness, the culture and unfoldment of his spirit, which gifts are all expressions of the one Love. So also does the loving care of the Divine Beings who are the ambassadors of God, manifest the requirement of the moment to the suppliant, as well as enfolding him in their loving Presence. Verily, beloved ones  "Before they call I will answer and while they are yet speaking I will hear".

 Love and Blessings,







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