Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 4, No. 13                                                                                                            June 26, 1955


 Beloved Hearts of Light:

I have pleasure in giving you herewith another installment of the Beloved Uriel's address on the incoming souls. As you read it, beloved ones, do not dismiss it from your minds as just so much knowledge given for your entertainment, but rather hold them in your prayers, asking that the proper parents, homes and environment await these hopeful hearts. They come from the octaves of Light to serve mankind, but with the bands of forgetfulness on their brows, many, through the homes and environment in which they find themselves do not remember their mission during the entire embodiment. Call for their awakening and illumination and in this way you will be doing your share in helping to fulfill the Divine Plan for our beloved planet.

Love and Blessings,



(Continuation of Beloved Uriel's address of May 8, 1955

Now, as these souls approach the Temple, beloved ones, they are those who have been summoned for re-birth. In each year so much of the karma that remains in the atmosphere of earth must be dissolved, therefore, it is necessary that many of the lifestreams that created it must be sent back into the world of form and given opportunities to face conditions and find absolution for that karma. These are the ones that are summoned by the Karmic Board and are reluctant to go. 

Then there are the conscious chelas of the Masters; those who represent the Chohans of the Rays and others who have studied at the Temples in the inner spheres. These latter are filled with the blazing light of zeal and enthusiasm, that enthusiasm which you, too, once knew before you found the flesh so heavy and reluctant. These are the souls who have applied to and petitioned the Karmic Board for opportunity to re-embody and as there is no favoritism in Divine Justice, these also come under the law that out of every three applicants, two are rejected and one accepted. 

Now, as we approach the ceremony, I would like you to stop and think, dear ones, and feel deeply within yourselves what it means when you have lived in the "Elysian Fields", when you have looked upon the face of the Father, when you have felt the enveloping love of the angels, when you have seen not “through a glass darkly" but face to face, when you have experimented with and completed some magnificent musical composition, some daring invention, some glorious architectural temple, some magnificent religious contribution or perhaps some political manifestation, and you stand in your full freedom offering your all to life - then to be born into this world of form a helpless infant without even the gift of focused sight - working by sense, by instinct, coming gradually into possession just of the faculties of the body - what a degradation that is for a proud intelligence. Sometimes a whole lifetime goes by without the soul ever getting conscious possession of the dream, the vision, the vow, for which the Lords of Karma allowed it embodiment - denying two others, who perhaps had they come, might have had tenacity enough of spirit, selflessness enough of purpose, vocation deep enough within the heart to have done that which the one who came had left undone. 

You, for whom the veil has been rent: you, who have enjoyed the Elysian Fields: you, who have been reminded in the days of your strength of that which is your purpose and design, I say you are more fortunate than the millions who have gone before, who have stumbled in darkness and blindness century after century, feeling in their hearts the unrest and the hidden knowledge that there was something to be done, but finding no door of consciousness open to tell them what to do and how to do it. 

(To be continued)