Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 3, No. 49                                                                                               March 6, 1955

Beloved children:

This month, as we play host to the people of earth and to their guardians at our Retreat in Ceylon, we take advantage of the Holy Season of Lent when the attention of the entire Christian World is focused more or less on the life and teaching of the Beloved Master Jesus, to imbue upon the consciousness and the inner bodies of the people of earth the Grace of the Holy Spirit through the expansion of the Transmission Flame. 

The magic and mystic properties of the Flame of the Holy Spirit may most easily be described by saying that they stimulate within the soul and self of everyone who touches the periphery of that Cosmic Aura a deep desire to be all that the Flame is. Whether that Flame is in its primal essence within the heart of the Ceylon Retreat or in modulated form within the hearts of the men and women of earth, its magic properties are a stimulant to all that is good and one who has touched even the fringe of the garment of the Holy Spirit can never know peace or rest until he has become the fullness of it. 

Now, there are occasions when individuals can enjoy great beauty, admire fine development, observe talent of a superior nature in art or music without being stimulated within the feeling nature to like accomplishment, but individuals who are privileged to abide in the presence of the Holy Spirit even in its most modified form become those restless sons of men whose thirst is never assuaged - whose hunger is never filled, until they have become all that IT IS. It has been said by certain members who have temporarily stepped from the Pathway that it is a curse to look upon the Fire of the Holy Spirit - for it breeds discontent. These individuals in a measure present truth because the pull of the human self against the thirst of the soul makes for a very unpleasant habitation until that soul finally surrenders and abides in love. When we draw the attention of mankind to the Ceylon Retreat where the most concentrated powerful focus of this Flame is, we do it with the full knowledge that we are arousing within the natures of men that required hunger and thirst which presages the accomplishment. 

Because of the peculiar magnetic pull that is within this Flame of the Holy Spirit, each individual who is taken within the Holy of Holies and allowed to drink from the brim of the chalice is immediately given a Guardian Presence, because that instant they have set their foot upon the Path and must proceed thereon to their victorious accomplishment. These become the wanderers and the searchers and ultimately the finders of the purpose of life until the fulfilled soul finally enters into that alliance with the Holy Spiritual Overself in God Union. 

All the teachers and leaders of men today, from the obscure to the great, have been summoned to this Retreat in no uncertain terms and by the time the month changes we shall have definitely impressed upon them the importance of the cosmic hour, as well as the necessity for cooperative action along every branch of endeavor if the planet and her people are to survive the cosmic changes that are imminent. We need all your prayers and calls, Beloved Ones, in this hour of planetary changes.

Love and Blessings,








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