Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 3, No. 52                                                                                                  March 27, 1955


Beloved Children of my heart:

It is my pleasure and happiness to give you our Beloved Kuthumi's report of activities in the Resurrection Temple in Arabia, presided over by the Beloved Jesus and Mary, on the evening of the Transmission Flame Ceremony, March 19th, 1955.

Love and Blessings of


 Beloved Brothers and Sisters of Light: 

I come tonight accompanied by the Brothers of the Golden Robe. We bring for each one of you a magic, mystic Robe of Light, into which is woven the lily, symbol of the Resurrection and Ascension. This garment will be placed about you as we transport you, consciously and collectively, to the heart of the Resurrection Temple where the mighty activities are engaging the interest of the Ascended Host of Light, the Angelic Host and the Seraphic and Cherubic Beings. 

For just a little while you shall be free, God-Free, of this flesh, free of the limitations of your individual worlds and orbits. We have bathed you in Light. We have washed your consciousness clean and now we place upon your feet the winged sandals, on your bodies the seamless robe and we will transport you in consciousness into the heart of that Temple where burns the Resurrection Flame which is the hope of each returned springtime accepted and manifested by the Nature Kingdom, but by so few, so very few, of mankind. 

The great temple of the Resurrection Flame has been designed, as you know, in large circular corridors surrounding the central Flame to give assistance to the graded consciousness of the mankind of earth who are interested in learning the Powers of the Resurrection. As they graduate in consciousness and development they are drawn in from one corridor to another until they come to those which are in closer proximity to the power of that mighty Flame. 

The great Archangel Gabriel, who represents the Angel of the Resurrection stands within the center of the Flame tonight. He is clothed in the most exquisite garments of opalescent light colors, his golden hair blazing in living fire. Standing by his side is the Cosmic Spirit of the Resurrection herself, who is even now directing that Flame through the nature Kingdom. The Beloved Master Jesus and Mother Mary are standing below the Flame tonight, giving the place of honor to the Angelic Kingdom and the Spirit of the Resurrection. As we are going to celebrate again this evening the activity in which you joined us last year the Festival of the In-coming Spring we will render honor to those Beings who are primarily concerned with conferring on the planet Earth each year a new and precious springtime. 

The Beloved Amaryllis, the Spirit of Spring, who came to Earth long, long before the first inhabitants and who looks now even more fresh and beautiful and magnificent in her glory than she looked when man first took embodiment, will lead the procession. Even as I speak this cortege is forming in the outer corridors of the temple. This lovely Lady is wearing this evening a fern green garment of a substance something like your chiffon over which is a magnificent train which must be at least sixty or seventy feet in length, attached to her shoulders by gorgeous yellow butterflies of living fire. This entire train is made up of tier after tier of small yellow flowers in the most magnificent shades. It is upheld by tiny sylphs in bright yellow garments. They wear full skirts and have wreaths of small yellow buttercups upon their bright hands. 

As the Beloved Amaryllis takes her position at the head of the procession, our Beloved Maha Chohan, as Representative of the power of nature in springtime, takes his place beside her. He lovingly places her hand within his arm and will honor her by presenting her to the assembly as they proceed.  

Next in line comes the Beloved Neptune (who is in the process of turning the cycle over to the Beloved Aries). He is in magnificent white garments and walks alone. Behind him come the Undines who represent his kingdom. Some of these are no larger than your thumbnail, others as large as a seventy-foot wave at sea. These are clothed in garments of green representing the color of the sea in her varying moods and climes. 

Next comes the Beloved Aries, followed by her Sylphs. She is clothed magnificently in blue. The sylphs express in their raiment all the brilliance of the flower kingdom and come dancing on tiptoe. They do not walk, they dance, because they are joyous and free. 

Now comes the Beloved Zarathustra followed by his Salamanders. The activities of these beings of fire are most interesting to behold. You very seldom see the form and seem to be only conscious of flowing flame. They proceed, undulating up and down, yet remaining miraculously in line. 

Next come the fairies and the gnomes, dressed according to their service; the fairies looking like bright flowers, some with little bells on their hats and the toes of their shoes; the gnomes clothed in more somber colors of the shades of the rocks and trees and shrubs with which they work. 

After these walks a Being who has guarded the Elemental Kingdom for a long, long time. He is accompanied by representatives of the four elemental kingdoms who have passed through explosions of the atom bomb and I would not care to describe their appearance to you. The distorted and distressed appearance of these beautiful, delicate and fine little beings is a disgrace to the human race as a whole and I would ask you to make calls that these atrocities cease. 

The Beloved Chohans are now entering, magnificently robed as usual. They will take their positions in the first circle surrounding the Flame. 

The Beloved Cosmic Spirit of the Resurrection Flame will now speak: 

I AM the Cosmic Spirit of the Resurrection, Servant of the Most High Living God. Why does not mankind command me? Why does not mankind seek me? Why am I not welcome within the breasts of the human race when the smallest flower, the tiniest seed, the smallest bulb invokes me - magnetizes me - draws me into its bosom, bursts its bonds and becomes a magnificent, fragrant flowerful manifestation of the Glory of God? 

I have been sent from the house of the Lord to a recalcitrant race in which death, disintegration, disease and decay are written across the bodies that should be immortal and shining and blazing like the sun; and who has welcomed me? The daffodil, the crocus and the early forsythia: Wherefore, man, is thy non-mastery and thy inhospitality? I AM the Cosmic Spirit of Resurrection - the HOPE of Eternal Life and Light - invoked in the tomb of Jesus and BLAZING through his transfigured flesh, raising him into Immortality: I AM the Cosmic Spirit of Resurrection BLAZING through the nature kingdom, the kingdom of the bird! Wherefore, men, is thy inhospitality to ME? Command ye ME, oh mankind of Earth! Why linger longer in decay? Why linger longer in those bonds of disintegration? What seek ye, man - Hope! Wealth! Illumi­nation: Peace: Purity! Beauty: God supply? Ye had it once: Come back from the dead, oh man, and grasp my hand in love and light: I AM the Spirit of Resurrection! Open your hearts: LET ME IN! LET ME IN! LET ME IN!  

I believe this is the first time in the history of the Transmission Flame activity that the Spirit of the Flame has spoken. And now each one of us to our own station dear friends, God bless you and good night. 
