Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 4, No. 45                                                                                                           February 5, 1956


Beloved children of God: 

As you can readily understand, there has been a tremendous increase in the vibratory action of the planet Venus since the return of its Lord within its aura. 

As many of you have felt, there is a noticeable advance in the vibration of this planet also since Lord Gautama's assumption of the office of Lord of the World in Sanat Kumara's place. 

This may be explained by the fact that Lord Gautama's evolutional victory was accomplished entirely on this planet, whereas the Beloved Sanat Kumara was a Lord of the Flame in its entirety at the time he came to Shamballa to take up his residence there as Lord of the World. 

All life is one, beloved ones, there is a distinct interchange of consciousness between the mental, emotional, etheric and physical bodies of mankind; it exists in the animal and nature kingdoms also, graded, of course, according to the life expressions. It is understandable, therefore, that as the Lord Gautama attained his final victory the vibration should be felt by sensitive individuals tuned in to the spiritual consciousness. 

This inter-relationship of consciousness, beloved ones, makes every man "his brother's keeper", as our Beloved Paul (The Venetian) expresses it. This truth was also voiced by the Beloved Jesus in his statement “if I am lifted up, I will draw all men upward.” Therefore when a man gains a victory over some human tendency or weakness in himself he unconsciously pours strength and encouragement into the lives of his fellowmen. Likewise, if a man persists in indulging his human passions, he weakens the morale of the race proportionately and is not held guiltless for this in the eyes of the Cosmic Law. 

It has not yet been revealed how long the Cosmic Law will accept the sacrifice of Lord Gautama's willingness to carry the responsibility of holding the light single handedly, as it were, for a recalcitrant race of people, the majority of whom are not even aware of his existence, and it would be wise, beloved ones, that you not only step-up your own understanding by consciously tuning into the higher vibrations of the Ascended Host, but also intensify your calls for the mass illumination of the race.

Love and Blessings,


(Excerpts from Archangel Michael's address at Banff, January 21, 1956.) 

"Sanat Kumara, Lord Gautama and Lord Maitreya now appear at the door of the great Temple and slowly descend the long flight of steps. As they reach the foot they turn and look upward where Sanat Kumara's standard still waves in the breeze. Now, at a given signal the purple banner is drawn Earthward and the golden standard of Lord Gautama is run up. During the slow descent of Sanat Kumara's banner, the flags of the entire Assembly are dipped. It is a most solemn moment - in a way, a nostalgic moment, for it portends change, not only for the Celestial Hierarchy dedicated to the welfare of the planet, but to the people evolving upon it as well. 

All flags are lifted now in tribute to the Lord Gautama and one of the Angelic Beings, carefully folding the purple banner, lays it gently over the arm of Sanat Kumara. The three great Hierarchs are now walking along the wide avenue toward the bridge, smiling and bowing to the assembled Brotherhood, while every banner is duped in acknowledgment of their Presence as they pass. 

When they reach the entrance to the bridge, they pause and turn around seemingly to implant the scenes they have just passed through in their memories forever. Now the Beloved Sanat Kumara stoops and kisses the grassy sward at his feet, while the vast assembly, who have not moved, gaze upon these great Masters of Love with unutterable love and tenderness expressed in their countenances and bearing. 

Lord Gautama, Sanat Kumara and Lord Maitreya stand there for a moment, then, raising their hands and touching their hearts and heads in a gesture of adieu, they turn and walk over the bridge and disappear in a blaze of light. The next moment they are standing at the great doors of my Retreat in the Western hemisphere, situated at a place now called Banff; in the Rocky Mountains of Canada, in the North American continent. 

The final ceremony of the transition of power from Sanat Kumara to Lord Gautama, as well as Sanat Kumara's departure for Venus, takes place at my Retreat in the Western hemisphere, which, we think, has a real significance in itself. Those of us who were privileged to witness it will never forget the solemnity of that great occasion. 

The two great Hierarchs approach each other from either side of the great altar, ascend the steps together and stand facing each other, Their Causal Bodies blazing out like great fans (identical in size) in all the glorious colors of the rays. Now they approach each other until they meet within the Flame on the altar where they become one, at which moment there is a tremendous flash of light, followed by an expansion of the Flame which passes through the entire atmosphere of Earth. 

At that precise moment the Causal Body of Sanat Kumara is withdrawn from the body of the Earth, while that of Lord Gautama enfolds it in its embrace, The Causal Body of Sanat Kumara becomes the aureole encompassing him and his entourage on the journey to Venus. 

I will now ask you to sing the song to Sanat Kumara, beloved ones, so it might be said that his return to Venus was accomplished on the energies of the Earth people. (Audience sings, as requested.) 

The transition to his own beloved Star and those who accompanied him was accomplished by Sanat Kumara in a beautiful chariot fashioned out of etheric substance by the visualizing process of chelas on the Earth plane who were aware that this transition would take place within a specified period of time. The actual journey was accomplished of course with the speed of light and almost immediately they had arrived within the orbit of Venus. In the meantime, the Lady Venus, with her retinue, had come out to meet her Lord. As the two companies approached each other, Sanat Kumara descended from his chariot and, in the simple white robe he had donned when he transferred the robes of State to Lord Gautama, he went forward alone to meet his Queen. The Lady Venus also came forward unaccompanied and as these two great Beings greeted each other with outstretched hands, the Light of their Causal Bodies encompassed them and they were lost to the sight of the watching multitudes for a moment. 

Now, the music and song of the Angelic Choir fills the atmosphere and the voices of the people of Venus can be heard as they sing the Song of Welcome to their beloved King - the same song they sang as he departed from them so many eons ago, but now rendered in the joyous tones of happiness. 

Sanat Kumara and his beloved Venus now repair to the great Temple where with all their people, they give praise and thanks for his joyful and victorious return and for the successful accomplishment of his Mission of Love. 



(Additional excerpts from Lord Michael's address will be forthcoming shortly.)







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