Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


VOLUME 4, Number 40                                                                                                  January 1, 1956


Beloved Children:

These are busy days (and nights) not only for the children of Earth, but for the members of the Celestial Host who have dedicated their free energies to the redemption of a planet and its people. 

It is my pleasure to offer you a summary of the events that took place on the evening of the Transmission Flame Activities at the Beloved Lanto’s Retreat in the Royal Teton, December 17th, 1955. 

I would like you to feel, beloved ones, as you read our Beloved Kuthumi's report that you are not merely witnesses of these activities, but that you are vitally interested as partakers, because if you were not, the Cosmic Law would not have allowed you the privilege of even enjoying them intellectually through the written word. 

Join us here, therefore, as often as you can release yourselves from your Earthly pursuits, dear ones, and let us proceed joyously and jointly with the very important business at hand, which is the illumination of the outer minds of the mankind of Earth, freeing them from the slavery imposed upon them by the human consciousness and raising them, through Christly thinking, into the freedom which is their Divine heritage.

Love and Blessings,



Beloved Ladies and Gentlemen: I bring to you, from the members of the Great White Brotherhood assembled this evening at the Royal Teton, the Blessing and Benediction of this most Holy Season. 

I have been asked by our beloved Maha Chohan to remind you of the tremendous acceleration of your four lower bodies through the actual conveyance of your consciousness to the Ascended Masters' Retreats during the thirty day Period while they are particularly active. If you can understand this and each one avail himself or herself daily of a trip in consciousness to the Heart of the current Retreat and stand within that concentrate of Flame you may have, during that entire period, tremendous assistance in the purification of your lower vehicles with the renewal of their energy to a point where each one remains under the harmonious control of your indwelling Christ. 

Now, look you, beloved ones, a few years back, while those of you who were interested in metaphysical and occult studies, might have been cognizant of the existence of the Retreats throughout the world where members of the Great White Brotherhood and the Angelic Kingdom are active during certain periods, yet when you laid your sweet bodies down to rest at night and entered some of these Retreats (as many of you doubtless did) you brought back little to serve the energies of your inner or outer bodies. Many of your experiences were in the Holy Christ Self and a few of you, with more acceleration of the vibratory action of your soul-light, had the experience in your etheric garments.... 

But what happens now when we go together in full projected consciousness into those Retreats? Your outer mind, your mental body and your emotional world enter into the vibratory action and Presence of not only the Master in charge of the visitation, but of the radiation and aura of the entire Celestial Hierarchy assembled there, and you bring that Grace back with you into the orbit of your daily living. 

Since the Beloved Morya parted the veil of Maya sufficiently to allow you to be taken to the Retreats during the great festive occasions when they are most active, you have been privileged in body, soul and spirit, to witness activities that previously were known only to the very few initiates who had attained conscious control over their outer selves to a point where they might come and go from the body at will. Now, in a certain degree of comfort, while still retaining your outer consciousness as well as control. of your physical vehicles, without the necessity of trance or sleep, you are transported into the sacred precincts of those God vested halls and homes where the Perfected Beings have drawn and radiated only perfection for centuries. 

Beloved ones, can you for a moment imagine what it means to bring a group of untrained lifestreams, yet unascended, into such sanctified and purified radiation? Can you realize how much extra application is required on behalf of the Brotherhood in order to make possible even the transference of your consciousness? I think not! Yet, you are much freer than you were a few years back! You have stood on the marble bridge at Shamballa! You have stood in the halls of Luxor! You have enjoyed the beauty of the Transylvania Retreat and the various other Foci upon the face of the Earth! You have seen with the inner eye the Masters at work! You have even co­operated with their current endeavors through visualization, decrees and song. Therefore you are by far more true children of freedom now than you were when you only hoped that some sweet day you would have the privilege of consciously joining the Masters' Service while it was still being enacted, rather than hearing about it long after it was over and written into the pages of past history. 

Our Beloved Maha Chohan has asked me to remind you of that freedom. Because it is evident that some of you, in certain confines of returning karma, feel that you are still bound and have not progressed far in the course of a few years. Yet, you have progressed, beloved ones, for you have been invited, conducted to and entertained, in the Retreats which have been closed to the outer consciousness of mankind for long ages. That is a gift of freedom - of that great Being whom you profess to honor and Love - and who brings these gifts to you for your enjoyment and illumination. 

I will have to retrogress a little in my description of this evening's activities in order to bring beauty and continuity to the story, and so we will return to the fourteenth of December, when the closing of the celebrations at Shamballa took place.... 

At Shamballa, you remember, the activity of joy and release and the bringing in of the Harvest was the source of all the rejoicing of the multitude assembled there. In every Retreat throughout the world, the Brotherhood took turns in serving so that every member of this vast Organization of Servers had at least one or two days in that glorious Retreat where they could enjoy the vibrant Presence of the Beloved Sanat Kumara and repolarized and revitalized their energies in his magnificent Aura. 

As the Harvest, made up of all the energies expended in service, prayers, benedictions and good works of every kind, was built into the glorious, Immortal, Threefold Flame of Life, it was enclosed in a magnificent tabernacle of light and sealed by the Archangel Uriel, later to be transferred to the Royal Teton, where the festivities are already well under way. While this ceremony was being enacted by the Beloved Uriel and his Angelic Helpers, Sanat Kumara was giving his benediction to the Elohim, the Archangels, the Seraphim and Cherubim, the great Chohans, the Initiates, the conscious Chelas and to every expression of life who had contributed some service (no matter how small) to the forward progress of mankind. During this benediction he expressed such magnificent love and kindness that each member of the vast congregation received his concentrated attention and the warmth of his loving smile while he blessed them…  

(Dear Friends, we will continue the Beloved Kuthumi’s report next week.)







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