Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 4, No. 51                                                                                                    March 18, 1956


Beloved Children, seeking your way back into God's Living Presence: 

The activity of the Holy Spirit (whose Radiation I guard and direct as Maha Chohan) is to ACTIVATE all constructive endeavors which further the evolution of the race – For instance – Through… 

The Patriot - desiring to build up a state or nation in which Freedom may abide. (First Ray). 

The Educator - endeavoring to develop the latent talents of his pupils- (Second Ray). 

The Humanitarian - desiring to promote true brotherly love. (Third Ray). 

The Artist, Musician, Sculptor - designing some inspirational expression toward Godly living. (Fourth Ray). 

The Scientist and Physician - endeavoring to alleviate human ills. (Fifth Ray). 

The Priest, Minister, Rabbi, Missionary - desiring to spread the word of God. (Sixth Ray). 

The Devotee of the Divine Science of Invocation, sublimation of error and the radiation of the Nature of God. (Seventh Ray)  

All serving under these headings receive of the spiritual blessing and benediction of the Holy Spirit according to the motive back of the service and the capacity to receive the grace through the development of soul and spirit. 

As below, so above... Every Ascended Master, Deva and Angel endeavoring to assist mankind becomes the recipient of my benediction and assistance. 

Of course, you will understand that in the Ascended Master state there is no such thing as "mine or me - you or yours". We are all ONE in service and all the Brotherhood join lovingly in the activity that is the most urgent requirement of the moment, endeavoring by united effort to direct it unerringly toward its goal. 

Thus, in the present crucial times, I have chosen to "share" my Bulletin with my "seven sons" (the Chohans of the Rays) as well as giving other Masters (who have been given permission from the Karmic Board to address mankind) an opportunity to impart their instruction through this medium of expression. To all these I pour my love and light. 

If you will examine my "banner" which shows the white dove on the purple field you will better understand what I mean. The dove, representative of me as Representative of the Holy Spirit, is activating the VIOLET RAY and assisting the Master Saint Germain to make this Ray known to the mankind of Earth. It is thus from time to time, according to the wisdom of my Holy Office that I choose to present for your illumination excerpts from certain pertinent instruction brought forth by some Ascended Being, which when studied and meditated upon, will help the entire Endeavor. This does not mean that I have "receded" in favor of the Master to whom I extend the privilege of using my precious Bulletin, but rather that you may be benefitted, beloved of my Heart, by the FULL POWER of the Holy Spirit which energizes and activates the endeavors of my beloved Brothers of Light and Love. 

Pursuant to this policy, I offer for your instruction words of counsel from my beloved son, El Morya, which, if followed should sharpen your discriminating faculties in detecting that which is of God and that which is of man. Lord Gautama, when he walked the Earth, taught his disciples "the middle way" as being the only safe path for the feet of the evolving chela. It is upon this path (described as being as narrow as "the razor's edge") that discrimination, wisdom, humility and discretion are so much needed by the earnest but sometimes precariously balanced traveler. This is not the first time, beloved ones that your spiritual aspirations have brought you to the same point on the path where you stand today. You have reached and even gone beyond it many times in past embodiments, only to wander off again enticed by the blandishments of those of your fellow travelers who, becoming weary of the self-disciplines and restraints exercised by the aspirants for freedom, invented an "easier road" to the Kingdom and drew many of their too credulous companions along with them. 

Sincerity of purpose, beloved ones, coupled with a selfless desire for the welfare of the traveler on the perilous journey through the mazes of human creation is the unmistakable mark of the radiation of an Ascended Master Friend. It is essential that you practice discrimination.

Love and Blessings,


Friends of My Heart: The Beloved Maha Chohan has requested that I speak to you a little on the subject of "Spiritualism", a word coined to cover the study of the psychic plane and its inhabitants. This is a subject which has engaged the mind of man for many long ages, having recurrent cycles of active interest, one of which seems to be rampant at the moment, which makes our reference to it at this time rather apropos. 

Beloved friends, you must know that every being who ever incarnated on this planet did so of his own free will, having applied to the Godhead for permission to acquire mastery over the powers of creation in the world of form. This privilege having been lovingly conferred upon him, his next procedure was to apply to the Cosmic Law for sufficient life energy to complete his mission. This life essence, being an emanation from the Body of the Godhead, is held in such priceless esteem by the Cosmic Law that any lifestream applying for its use literally has to "sign" for the amount released and it is only given then on condition that it is returned within the time specified, with interest in the way of accomplishments. Everyone who breathes the breath of life, dear friends, no matter in which sphere he abides has signed this document before the Cosmic Law at one time or another. 

When man defaulted in his obligation to the Cosmic Law for the return of this energy the period allowed for the attainment of his mastery being approximately fourteen thousand years under the supervision of the Seven Chohans of the Rays - the whole course of Earth's evolution underwent a drastic change. The Holy Christ Self of every individual was put under obligation to take note of "every jot and every tittle" of energy used. This was entered in "The Book of Life" and had to the accounted for by the lifestream. Halls of Judgment were set up; Judges were appointed and the psychic realm (a place set apart in the atmosphere of Earth) was established. It was at this time that the Law of Compensation was put into effect in the belief that the recoil of the misqualified energy on the rebellious lifestream through suffering would discourage him in the misuse of the God-energy. It did not prove to be effective, however, and it was then that the span of existence on the Earth plane was shortened, the lifestream being withdrawn to the psychic plane for rest and refreshment and returned after a specified time to the physical plane where he was required to resume his endeavor to attain the mastery he had come to attain, at the same time being given an opportunity to redeem the energy he had contracted for. Here it was that man's conception of so-called death entered the picture, the departure of the soul to the psychic realm being construed as the end of his sojourn on earth for evermore. 

You will understand then, beloved friends that the inhabitants of the psychic plane are no further advanced in spiritual knowledge than when they walked the way of Earth, although conditions there have improved lately in that we have established schoolrooms where they are taught the Law of Life and Violet Flame Temples where they receive purification. However every evolution in the entire universe is operated under a strict tenet of wise cosmic law, not excluding man, and the embodied ego who, by means of the projected consciousness of himself or another, attempts to contact souls in the psychic realm for any reason whatsoever, subjects himself as well as others he may influence in a like practice to a severe karmic penalty. It brings great unhappiness to the souls abiding there drawing them by the magnetization of physical thought toward that group of unhappy spirits known until recently as the "Earthbound" a state from which it is extremely difficult to extricate them. The only safe relationship between the Earth and the psychic planes should be prayers for the peace of the discarnate souls and the speedy transmutation of their karma through the Sacred Fires of Purification. God bless you. 








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