Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 5, No. 8                                                                                                                    May 20, 1956


Beloved Children of My Heart: 

My Beloved Kuthumi completed his marvelous three subject address on the evening of the Transmission Flame Ceremonies at my Retreat in Ceylon recently with a comprehensive summary of his subjects, which I have the pleasure of offering you herewith. It is natural, beloved ones that the further along you go in the study of any subject the more intensive grows the knowledge presented for your edification. Let me remind you, however, that unless you apply the instruction given for your spiritual advancement, it becomes only that much more accretion added to the already superfluous supply which now clutters up the mental bodies of the race.

Love and Blessings,



Beloved Friends: 

The Beloved Maha Chohan wants you to feel that as you allow your attention to rest on the Three-fold Flame in your hearts that his Comfort Flame is expanding within you, drawing you very close to his own Blessed Heart. 

This Comfort Flame is cultivated and expanded by every Cosmic Being, Ascended Master and Angelic Presence. Every Being within that Flame Chamber tonight is a Specialist in some activity of blessing to life... Think you of the Beloved Jesus alone and the capacity he has had through the ages to comfort life. Now in his proximity to the Comfort Flame this evening - as he draws it in, he qualifies it with his own Jesus Christ Comfort and breathes his own cosmic momentum of that quality back into the concentrate of the Comfort Flame that is held within the Focus we are honoring and which will be projected out into the world at large when the actual Breathing Ceremony begins. 

Think also of the Beloved Mother (Mary)! As she breathes in that tremendous Comfort Flame, she is charging it with all her power to comfort life and so adds her cosmic momentum of that quality to the Comfort Flame on the Altar. 

The Beloved Lord Michael - robed in pink tonight, most unusual for his august Presence - is also breathing in the great Comfort Flame of our Lord the Maha Chohan, qualifying it with his own Immortal Three-fold Flame of Comfort accumulated through the ages in his service of cutting lifestreams free from all types of discordant pressure, and. charging it back into the Comfort Flame on the great Altar. 

You will see from this how the Comfort Flame grows in size and intensity through the Holy Breath of the Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings present. 

All of you, beloved ones, through every capacity you have ever had and used to comfort life, have also breathed in that Flame (though perhaps unconscious of its Presence and quality) and breathed it out again to comfort life. By this action you have actually expanded the Comfort Flame of our Lord Maha Chohan who, as you know, is Representative of the Holy Spirit to our planet. 

At the close of the Formal Ceremony - as the Pink Flame encircles the entire Earth the Maha Chohan himself will address the Assembly on the Comfort of Constancy.  

"There is great comfort in CONSTANCY" says the Lord Maha Chohan. And is that not true, beloved ones, even in your association one with another? There is much comfort in the constant heart; constancy of purpose; constancy in emotional reaction; constancy in friendship; constancy even in the flow of your money supply; constancy in the health of your physical minds and bodies; constancy in your spiritual rituals... Eternal comfort exists within the quality of CONSTANCY! 

THE BREATH: In your breathing, if you should come across a block; shall we say... your endeavors, do not be disturbed any more than you would be in dealing with a small child if that child were not instantly responsive to your request for obedience... As you begin definite application through the use of the Sacred Fire on the activity of Purification, it is apt to do two things: First, it will expand the Flame in your heart, making it larger and larger until it reaches out to the periphery of your vehicles, the outermost point of your emotional body, second, it will draw your four lower vehicles into the control of that Flame where they really belong and where they should have remained in the first place. 

The Maha Chohan has been particularly desirous that I give you this information on the Holy Breath, and I would appreciate it if you would experiment daily with the power that is centered within your heart (the Immortal Three-fold Flame of Eternal Truth) and see what you can do toward cleaning up the channels which form your many sheaths. 

You know, beloved ones, that everything you desire comes from your own I AM Presence… Supply is limited only because of the shadows existing in some one of-your four lower bodies. That is all that keeps you from being Self-luminous and Self-conscious, Precipitating Beings of Light. As you continue earnestly, sincerely and consistently to use the Violet Fire of Purification and experiment (if you care to) with the Rhythmic Breath, you will get your vehicles into better alignment and then you will find that all of the glory of the Causal Body will be yours. 

You would be amazed and delighted too, beloved friends, if you could see how much of the substance of your own worlds and that of mankind you have sublimated by your calls, your own purified energy has been returned to your Causal Bodies where it is waiting to be released to and through you by your own Holy Christ Selves as the occasion presents itself. 

The Breathing Exercises: In the activity of drawing, the impure substance of the four lower vehicles into the Purifying action of the Three-fold Flame within the heart and breathing out the purified substance, it may be easier at first, beloved ones, to treat one body at a time, In this exercise it may not be possible for a beginner to draw in the breath, sustain it while you hold the picture, expand it and project it through all the four lower bodies at once. Start with the emotional body (the outermost one) draw the impure substance of that one in, hold it in the Transmuting Flame for the duration of the held breath... Charge the purified substance back into the emotional body on the out-breath and then project as much purified substance as can be tried on the, breath, out into the emotional bodies of all mankind while you hold the breath out of the body. 

Follow the same procedure with the mental, etheric and physical bodies, drawing in the impure substance seeing it purified in the Flame, charging the purified substance back into the body to which it belongs and blessing the emotional, mental, etheric and physical bodies of the race with the purified substance on the projected breath. You will be doing very well as a beginner in the study of this important esoteric exercise if you successfully treat one body at a time. 

If you are constant with this... If you will take a few minutes three times a day to experiment with it, you will gradually be able to treat two bodies at a time, then three and finally the four... Dexterity comes with experience after you have gained absolute control over the breath. 

As you begin, you will find the drawing in of the breath to be comparatively easy. Also the holding of the breath while you are mentally accepting the sublimation of the impure energies in the Flame within the heart is easy; but you will have to watch on the expansion of the purified substance on the out-breath, regulating it so that you will have the proper amount of purified energy to give the world at large on the projected, breath. Remember that you must follow the same rhythm on each of the four breaths… the inbreath; the held-breath; the out-breath and the projected breath. You will find that you will require a good deal of control to save enough energy for an outward drive of purified substance, as a blessing to the world... The latter (projected breath) is part of the cosmic service. 

Many people in their instruction on the Law of the Breath just give the three first steps: they take the in-drawn breath, the held breath, the expansion or out-breath but Saint Germain's Activity includes a blessing for the world in the protected breath. 

Remember beloved ones, that every God-quality is held within the Flame in your heart. Let us take faith (and that is one quality required by the race) you may draw from your emotional body the quality of despair or lack of faith into the Living, Blue Fire in your heart - see it transmuted there into Michael's Faith, then charge it back into your emotional body and out into the world at large on the projected breath. Treat the contents of your mental, etheric and physical body the same way and do not forget that every purified breath you project blesses all mankind. God bless you. 










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