Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 7, No. 12                                                                                                            June 22, 1958


Beloved friends of God: 

I shall endeavor to convey to you today my assurance of the power that is within the Presence of God "I AM" which beats your dear hearts. I ask you to accept the fact that this "I AM" Presence is All-powerful to release you from pain, temporary darkness, limitation and servitude to human appearances. I ask your outer consciousness to look within the Shrine within your hearts wherein that Holy Christ Self abides - for this All-powerful Presence is nearer than the breath in your nostrils - it is the very life which beats your hearts. 

This Holy Christ Self within is an intelligent Being, more interested in you than you are in yourself. Let this Christ Self accomplish the fulfillment of its own Divine Pattern of perfection; its harmony and freedom through you now. Again I say let go and let God! If you gave your word to a fellowman that you would render him a service would you not be disconcerted if he immediately went forth and tried to fulfill the same service and gave you no opportunity to employ your energies and loving cooperation with his life? Yet, as so often happens, in your dealings with God, no sooner than the words leave your lips, or the prayer leaves your heart, you proceed to endeavor to accomplish through outer means that which you seemingly entrusted to your Holy Christ Self to externalize. 

There is only One Power in this Universe that can act constructively and that Power acts for you according to your Faith in it. Dear hearts, accept that, alive within you, is the Healing Flame; alive within you is the Infinite Supplying Power of your every requirement; alive within you is the Illumination of your outer consciousness, and alive within you is the Intelligence by which all form shall yield to you the Perfection within its own Nature. 

I lovingly place my hands upon you, dear children, and ask that as you enter your meditation you will prepare yourself to see revealed the Divine Pattern and Plan of your Holy Christ Self, which has waited so long for the opportunity to externalize its majestic glory through a flesh garment provided by its own Love. Know that "I AM" with you in your endeavors so to do. 

All activities of life are rhythmic. As there are steps upon a stairs, so are there Octaves from the Heart of the Sun which step down the radiation and vibratory action of Divinity until it can be absorbed by the outer selves of mankind. It is those who choose to gather in the 'Upper Chamber' and sit at the feet of the Ascended Masters that we look for representation of our nature upon the Earth. You, each one, are part of 'The Bridge' through whose energies we are endeavoring to reach the mass of mankind. 

Be ever alert so that by thought, word, feeling and deed you do not let yourself be a contributing factor to the barrier to the shining Holy Christ Self of any member of the human race. Rather, beloved, continue the good service in making yourself an instrument through which we may reach our hands to the hearts and souls of men existing in darkness, ignorance, shadow and distress. 

I bless you for the progress you have made and my Love, Strength and Comfort enfold you as you journey upward on the Spiritual Path toward God Mastery and, finally, your Ascension into eternal freedom in the Light.

Love and Blessings,












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