Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 6, No. 51                                                                                                       March 23, 1958


Friends of My Heart - 

In the name of the Great White Brotherhood of Divine Beings, I thank you for your constant cooperation with and service to The Light. The cooperation between unascended mankind and the Ascended Brotherhood particularly at this time on the Planet Earth is more important than it has ever been, because of the short time during which they must imbue, develop and bring to maturity every embryonic Spirit in order that such a one may take his place as a Light Bearer. Each such illumined individual then increases by his Presence the luminosity of the aura of the Earth itself so that she may fulfill the fiat of the Cosmic Law by radiating the full allotment of Light required to take and hold her rightful place in the Solar System. 

As you know, the Earth people are divided into seven types, and the Lords of Karma some time ago gave the fiat to the Representatives of the Seven Rays that they must, in some way, secure the cooperation of the members of the race, who are evolving under their Ray and that they must render all the assistance possible to awaken the people to the requirement to fulfill their Divine Plan in the comparatively short period of time allotted for this purpose. 

The Seven Archangels, in like manner, were directed by the same Karmic Board with regard to the evolution of the Angelic Kingdom. The Seven Devic Lords were so notified with regard to speeding up the evolution of the Nature Kingdom and all the Elemental Kingdom. 

This might be called a Cosmic Ultimatum to those who took the responsibility of developing the evolution on the Earth. Hence these Beings are depending upon the outer representatives of themselves - and this means YOU, my beloved Light Bearers to your fullest capacity. Thus you will see, dear hearts, that there is vigorous movement in the Higher Realms compared to which the activity of the physical appearance world is as nothing. 

We ask that you intensively direct your consciousness our way not only at night but by day. We ask that you serve in harmony and in silence. You have been told the Path of Silence is not one of repression or suppression, but rather, contemplation of the beauty and glory of your own "I AM" Presence and your Holy Christ Self anchored in your dear hearts, keeping the outer self in a state of loving adoration and grace. In this peace and silence, we can more easily contact you and thus can you be our true and willing servants in the world of form wherein you presently dwell. 

Again I tender our Blessings and our Gratitude to you, each one.






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