Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin 

Volume 7, No. 31                                                                                               November 2, 1958

My dear children of the Heavenly Father of Love: 

Know that each individual focus of the God Presence on this Earth is as carefully designed and thoughtfully located as are the light fixtures in a great edifice, wherein radiation and illumination is required in order to facilitate the endeavors of the persons engaged in occupations there. So the "I AM" Presence, through the Holy Christ Flame is a Light Bearer and Radiating Center of the God Qualities and God Plan, at each individuals point in the Universe. To each one is allotted a certain intensity of Light, which that "I AM" Presence consciously expands to increase the Light of the Universe. As you know, the facets through which the "I AM" Presence pours its Light released from the magnificent Light Rays to be seen in the Causal Body depicted in the upper figure of the Chart. The "I AM" Presence has not completed its mission until the four lower bodies passing through physical embodiment are also facets completely open to the outpouring of Light for Universal service. 

Therefore, the awakening and the cooperation of the outer self and the emotional, mental and etheric kingdoms are essential for The "I AM" Presence to receive a greater outpouring of Light from the Father-Mother God and the brilliance and intensity of Light of the "I AM" Presence released through the Holy Christ Flame is determined by the cooperation of the outer vessels when all these serve the purpose of dispensing Light, such an individual can receive without limit Light from the ONE. 

You will see, dear hearts, that the very growth of the ever-patient "I AM" Presence is determined by the cooperation of the intellectual consciousness and the self control of the individual in governing his lower bodies. Again I beg of you do not allow yourselves to be swayed by every unthinking word spoken by others and by the vagrant thoughts floating in, the atmosphere. 

Vigilance and self-conscious awareness are the materials of which the Spiritual stairway upwards into the Ascension are composed. 

My Awareness of you is as close as is my Breath which sustains you.

Love and Blessings,









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