Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings 


Volume 8, No. 1                                                                                                                                     April 5, 1959


My dear children: 

You know that the Ascended Host who are selflessly serving for the upliftment of humanity and of this Earth Plane and all of its evolutions are truly "willing Prisoners of Love". The radiation of the Ascended Masters' Light is a natural response to the invocations, prayers and songs of the wayfarers upon the Spiritual Path. Weary not in your calls to the particular Ascended Master of your choice. The impetus for more than ordinary expansion of God-Light and the stimulus thus afforded the Ascended beings by the opportunity to act (at your invitation) in the affairs of men is a most welcome experience in their Cosmic Life and it is their desire that your "cup be pressed down and running over with good" while you walk the Earth. 

The "tri-unity" necessary for manifestation comprises the mental body to mould the form from Universal Light Substance, this cup or chalice is then ready to be filled by the active Power of Pure Divine Love which is within the emotional body! This, in turn, is born into the physical plane by the sustaining of peaceful feeling, acceptance, awareness and meditation upon the One Omnipotent Holy Christ-Presence within you! A thought can never become manifest until it is filled with the substance of feeling. When the thought-form presented to the consciousness is harmonious and contains within itself a blessing for all life, or any part thereof, or for some constructive requirement in your own living, and then it is part of the Divine Design. For manifestation, the cardinal point to remember is, first, to maintain both peace and unruffled calm in the mental and emotional bodies, then rhythmic constant calls will picture and mature the thought-form and bring it into manifestation. 

Establish the habit of thinking, and thus acknowledging the "I AM" Presence within which all mankind live, move and have their being in whatsoever you desire to accomplish, even though it be but the simple act of walking into the next room. Be cognizant of the Divine Flame of God's Energy motivating this most intricate garment of flesh given to you by Grace! In this manner will you build the oneness between the Holy Christ Self within you and the outer consciousness. This done, manifestation will be instantaneous for you and there will be nothing of the so-called miraculous about your precipitation. 

Be assured always that I walk with you every step on the upward climb to self mastery and, ultimately, your ascension in the Light into our Realm of Perfection.

Love and Blessings,









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