Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 8, No. 22                                                                                                                August 31, 1959


Beloved friends of my heart, 

The great Pyramids in Egypt are like unto books wherein the wise may read the Truth of Life. They have endured through the centuries that the discerning may have abiding symbols of the evolution of the soul aspiring Heavenward. The later church steeples were patterned after this pyramidal cone, which is like a fine finger pointing, upward, a constant reminder to the aspirant that a high consciousness must be maintained as he proceeds upward on the Path of Spiritual Freedom. 

The first Pyramids were built by the Ascended Masters of Wisdom through the power of conscious levitation, and no physical energy was employed in their construction the massive stones were placed in position under the direction of this mighty Power directed by these Divine Beings. The later pyramids, which the Pharaohs of Egypt built, were copied from the original monuments, and these were built through the life energy of thousands of slaves, who were forced, by human will, to place the massive stones, one upon the other. Each such pyramid, built through human slavery, became a record of cruelty of some individual who, by effort of human will, desired to maintain a lasting record of the personal self for succeeding generations to satisfy the vanity of the outer self. In Egypt today are the Pyramids of Light, and pyramids which are an etheric as well as physical record of great cruelty and distress. These two separate and distinct monuments represent to the enlightened chelas, the human and the Divine Way of Life. 

When a person has felt a desire to build and create according to the human will, every individual in his association becomes one of the stones in his personal pyramid. It is as difficult for him to place some of them in his monument as it was for the slaves of Egypt to carry massive boulders up the face of the Pharaohs' tombs. Thus, the outer selves of men are constantly using human will to attempt to create structures both Spiritual and material. 

When the individual comes to the point of realization that he is not building to perpetuate the memory of any human being but rather that he is an impersonal part of the Spiritual Hierarchy creating a monument unto God, then he begins to build a Pyramid of Light, and the human struggle with the "stones" (the personal self) ceases. He recognizes and reveres the Immortal Spirit of every individual with whom he is associated and he kneels humbly before the feet of his Holy Christ Self, asking for the Divine Plan fulfilled for all. Then he kneels before the Holy Christ Selves of the individuals whom God has drawn into his association. He will then find that each "stone" is lifted by the indwelling Christ of every person into its perfect place; the Pyramid of Light is built, and each individual becomes one diamond with many facets. Then the entire structure of his life will stand as God (the Universal I AM Presence) intended - the Divine Plan fulfilled for that locality in which he walks, moves and has his being.

Love and Blessings,