Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 7, No. 44                                                                                                           February 1, 1959


Beloved children of my heart:

If the people of Earth could see the fundamental rate of vibration of the associations or enterprises they set into motion religiously, commercially or politically, and what a predominant factor this vibration plays in the inner bodies of those whose energies are dedicated to such service, they would truly pray for guidance and illumination to see with the Eyes of Truth (and not with the stubborn human faculties) their motives. They would let their choice be not so much based on outer remuneration, as the inner pressure, which can add or detract from their Spiritual Selves, in a truly tremendous fashion. 

To earnestly invoke the loving will of the One Great Intelligence, "I AM" and the Chohan El Morya through the religious, the business, or the political association in which yourself or your loved ones are engaged would beneficially change the fundamental rate of such vibration and greatly assist the cogs in the wheel who are the unconscious recipients of a vibratory action that is so often not only undesirable but actively evil. 

As you know, the hub of the wheel and the Cosmic Axis, upon which all revolves in this Universe, is the Will of God which is good and into which the peoples of Earth and the Ascended Ones can tune in through their attention, at any time. 

Practice, dear ones, being a doer of this Will of God! The ability to hold a constructive idea unwaveringly is a God-Attribute. Our Beloved Saint Germain, through his inner-sight, saw the Divine Plan for the Seventh Age and the glory that this Planet Earth shall experience. His Being was afire to draw forth from the One Cause that vibratory action which would form the fundamental pulsation of this Permanent Golden Age. He was granted the honor of establishing the initial pulsation of the New Age. 

All of the serious students who have responded to the call of the Ascended Master Saint Germain to aid in establishing and bringing forth this New Age (yet in its swaddling clothes) have been amplifying this fundamental vibration. They have chosen to voluntarily join their own Light Energy with its Harmony. They are close in vibratory action to its Keynote. 

I most humbly remind my beloved chelas of these matters in the hope that each will realize the importance of keeping the emotional body harmonious, for it is in the strength of undisturbed, peaceful understanding that the Will of the One God "I AM" (who is closer than hands and feet) can be interpreted and brought forth on this Earth to establish and sustain God's Kingdom here! 

For your faithful endeavors in overcoming the temptations which reach you daily through the senses as you pursue so faithfully the Spiritual Pathway, that ever leads Upward, I thank you and I call you my right hand in the outer world.

Love and Blessings,









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