Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


VOLUME 7, Number 40                                                                                                  January 4, 1959


My Beloved children: 

The radiation of the students' consciousness varies according to the type of thought and feeling which daily form the background of his life. Remember that this vibration determines the experiences which he will meet and the sphere in which he functions during his waking, as well as his sleeping hours. What a man builds into and retains in consciousness determines the wealth or the poverty of the lifestream. When our Beloved Jesus admonished his followers to lay up wealth in the Kingdom of Heaven, he conveyed the thought that the development of a Spiritual Consciousness was the only worthwhile use of God's energy on this Earth. 

For instance, a small child cannot conceive of the intricacies of calculus or astronomy, yet the full understanding is present and assured by many individuals who are embodied at the same time as the child. So the average man cannot conceive of the Presence of the Supernatural Science of the Ascended Master Consciousness, which is likewise present, and enjoyed by many persons living the way of the Beloved Masters at Wisdom. 

If the aspiring chela in this world of form, will humbly realize that his consciousness is almost as undeveloped as that of a child, and if he will open the cup of his consciousness to the ever present outpouring from the Ascended Master Consciousness now, and ask his "special" Ascended Master to accept his lower bodies as "students” A, he will see that these lower bodies will be more apt in their assimilation and learning than the personal self has been during centuries of embodiment. 

Persons who have lived in the past (and who are living in the present; too) who have performed so-called miracles are those who held their consciousness open to the ever-flowing River of Living Light which surrounds all. 

So, dear hearts, when you desire Peace, Health, worldly goods of any good thing which will benefit you and also benefits mankind, that River of Pure Divine Consciousness is already active and functioning all about you, and by the attuning of your own vibratory action into this Divine consciousness you have access to the fullness of that which you require and you do not need to spend years developing yourself to a place where such blessings may come to you. The secret is - not to allow the attention, the eye, the hearing, thought, or any faculty of the senses to admit a vibration that would allow the consciousness to take your attention from the Kingdom of Heaven. By such ways, my little children, are miracles wrought. 

Lo! "I AM" with you always.

Love and Blessings,









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