Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 7, No. 42                                                                                                       January 18, 1959

Friends of My Heart: 

You each have the power to create your tomorrow today!  

Students in the East are taught concentration before they are given any exercises in precipitation. To "concentrate", as you know is to "draw to a common center or focus, to combine, to intensify". 

The chela, under the direction of Vista and Crystal particularly, learning the power of concentration begins to visualize a form, picturing it clearly in his mind, and clothing it in ever-present Electronic Light Substance. Now, if this visualization is repeated constantly, in rhythmic periods, the vortex or form is held fresh and clear, filled with Electronic Light Substance, which brings manifestation quickly. This rhythmic attention to its creation will prevent disintegration, In the west the chela can rarely hold a thought-form filling it with feeling long enough in undisturbed quiet to have manifestation occur. 

After a night of sleep the consciousness is, for the most part, free of the workings of the material life, and the Inner Bodies have not yet been stirred into the vibrations which form the pattern of the day, so it is therefore logical that this is the best time for the chela to use his concentrative powers for precipitation of health, of peace, of companionship, of home or of the current medium of exchange to meet his requirements. As you have been told, the nature of the Universal Light Substance is to obey the Creator and to become form. 

In exercising your concentrative powers for precipitation - protect your intended precipitation by a call to the Ascended Masters to enfold it in their Love, to feed it with their Light and to protect it from disintegration until enough of your God-Energy has rhythmically gone into it to bring it into manifestation in your life and world. As you concentrate, drawing the Light about your form in peaceful intensity and turning it over to the care of the Ascended Ones, who, answering your call, will draw their Mantle of protection about it, you can proceed through the activity of your daily outer life with the conviction that the members of your "Inner Household" are about their Father's business, and tomorrow's Sun will show the result of today's concentrative endeavors.

Love and Blessings,





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