Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 8, No. 16                                                                                                         July 19, 1959


Beloved Children of God, seeking an Illumined Faith to guide you upon your Pathway to your own Celestial Home:

I offer the pages of this week's Bulletin, and the words of the Beloved Archangel Michael, Protector of the Faithful to God, and Defender of the Light in the heart of every individualization of God, to you! Ponder upon them! Accept his Radiation and become, in yourselves, God-Free!

Love and Blessings,


Beloved Archangel Michael speaks: 

"I AM Lord Michael, the Archangel whose pledge and vow before the God who made me, is to remain with this sweet Earth until all her evolutions are cut free from every limitation, self-imposed distress and accepted destructive karma! For this service, I did volunteer eons ago, while the curtain of Maya was yet a seed of discontent in the consciousness of those beloved lifestreams (the laggards who were orphaned because they did not desire to consciously accelerate the electrons, atoms and cells of their beings and graduate with their own Stars into greater Light and God-Freedom). With the use of the All-Seeing Eye of God, himself, with which we are all endowed, we knew that these seeds of discontent would spew forth their effluvia and, gradually, unless greater God Protection was given to the Spirit-Sparks chosen for embodiment upon the Earth, would also contaminate their outer consciousness. Such God-Protection was given by the White Order (The Great White Brotherhood) and all of us who have ever served it, and its magnificent impersonal cause - expansion of God's Light and Beauty of expression in the world of form.

However, the use of free-will by the holy innocents, a God-gift from the Heavenly Father-Mother, God ("I AM"), could not be interfered with thus such innocents, as well as many imprisoned Angels and the elementals who were chosen to serve this Earth and her evolutions, chose, of themselves to accept these seeds of discontent, first through curiosity (a subtle but dangerous human faculty) and then, having opened the doors and windows of their souls to these imperfections of thought, feeling, spoken word and action, they began to experiment with the creative faculties endowed upon them by their Creator and add to the expanding veil of maya, which eventually separated the consciousness of man from the Divine Consciousness of the "I AM" Presence and all the perfected Beings (Spiritual Hierarchy)! We are now consciously and, with your kind assistance, dissolving this curtain of maya and removing the cause and core of all distress which is located in the astral realms (and in the emotional, mental and etheric vehicles of mankind, imprisoned Angels and elementals too). The effect and memory of such distress is manifest in the temporary chaos of the world of form and the distorted and decadent physical vehicles of mankind, imprisoned Angels and the elementals who always mirror that which they see about them. These elementals (except for the very advanced, disciplined and trained members of the Nature Kingdom) are in the process of evolution themselves and have to learn, even as the human race, to master the control of energy and vibration, holding the Divine Pattern for their own beings through the non-acceptance of human appearances, and building upon the ascending arc of their evolutionary process, beauty and perfection in this world of form. They will become an integral part of the establishment of the Permanent Golden Age of our Beloved Ascended Master Saint. Germain here on Earth when, of their own free will, they learn this self-mastery and decide to express and externalize the Will of the God who made them, for his glory on Earth as it is even today expressed in the aura of his Divine Presence! 

For those human beings and imprisoned Angels who desire to assist the Directors of the Nature Kingdom and the undisciplined elemental kingdom, I say: "NOW IS THE TIME TO LEARN TO LOVE THEM, MAKE CONSCIOUS FRIENDS OF THEM, AND HELP THEM TO RISE IN CONSCIOUSNESS TO GOD FREEDOM! 

When planetary charges occur, they will be already the friends of mankind and ready and eager to cooperate with their great Directors, rather than rebellious, resentful and discontented with the lack of gratitude from the mankind of Earth whom they have served so faithfully throughout eons of time. Unleashed from the strong directing influence of their present over-lords, these elementals will consciously cooperate in bringing forth the perfection which the Earth once knew (and which they, too, once expressed) before becoming exposed to the maleficent influence of their surroundings. Otherwise, these elementals (some of them large and powerful) will turn their wrath upon the race which has abused them through the ages. 

We, know the elemental kingdom well, beloved ones, and can see their distress, born out of the ages of abuse from the mankind of Earth whom they came to serve! Even as we saw, ages ago, the seeds of impurity and imperfection which would spew forth the effluvia of human creation (called the veil of maya) so do we now see the possible but not necessary chaos which the elemental kingdom can create during this period of world and planetary change. 

I speak to you today to remind your outer consciousness that such chaos does not have to occur, if the alert, worthy and loving chelas of the Ascended Masters utilize the instruction so lovingly given by us to them, and truly learn to love the elemental kingdom, in gratitude for ages of service in the past, as well as for their present faithful performance of those acts of re-creation which give to this generation, as well as to all previous generations, the beauty of Springtime, the abundance of harvest, the very substance which makes up the physical and inner vehicles of mankind, and the constant transmutation of human creation so that a semblance of God's Holy Presence can be enjoyed by the recalcitrant human race and its evolutions, here in the world of form! 

I know the elemental kingdom well, have comforted them, collectively and individually, throughout the ages since discord, rebellion, resentment and distress of every kind became the human nature and outer consciousness of a mankind, given in Love, a beautiful, pure Planet (the Earth) for a temporary Schoolroom and Planetary Home! I AM their Defender and Protector, as well as the Defender and Protector of the seeds of Immortality which abide within the Holy Christ Self of the ten billion lifestreams presently belonging to the Earth's evolutions. Remember, beloved chelas, the Earth was created for the habitation of only about four billion Spirit-Sparks and it was only the grace and hospitality of the Earth's elect, as well as the Love of the Spiritual Hierarchy who have guided, guarded and protected her through the ages, that the extra numbers of temporarily planetary "orphans" were given refuge and hospitality by the Planet Earth and became a portion of her evolutions, as well as a weight upon her axis, which caused, in the first instance, the gradual bending of that axis, and its resultant intemperate climate and temporary chaos through the conscious or unconscious creation of human effluvia, which formed and sustains the astral realm, in which I and my Ascended Master Legions of Light serve almost without cessation!

These visitors from other planets, as well as the mankind of Earth and those imprisoned Angels who do not desire to profit by our instruction shall, at the close of this embodiment, be allowed to express their free-will only upon the Polaroid already created for them, in Love, wherein they can progress more slowly but not have access to the consciousness of the evolving mankind, elemental kingdom and imprisoned Angels, desirous of expressing their true Divine Nature! This was a Cosmic Fiat issued by beloved Lady Master Portia, as Spokeswoman of the Karmic Board of Mercy and Compassion, at the summer conclave between Divine Beings and human beings, held at the Rocky Mountain Retreat (June 15th through July 14th, 1959) 

Be alert, beloved children of God, presently walking upon the Earth and representing us in the world of form! Accept this Fiat (WHICH IS A GOD TRUTH)! Prepare yourselves, individually and collectively for the graduation of the Earth and her prepared evolutions into greater light! Become a redeeming power to all imprisoned life, which, at present, does not yet know how to utilize the Violet Transmuting Flame or the other God-Virtues to LOVE LIFE FREE! Then you are truly Spiritual Partners with me in this redemptive process now when it is most required. 

Many of you took Spiritual "vows" to the Father-Mother God "I AM" or to us, to assist in this redemption. Your lack of conscious cooperation with us shall not leave you guiltless before life if and when your Earth-life is completed. For those blessed souls who know nothing of this conscious cooperation between Divine Beings and human beings, there shall be no mark of the sin of "omission" for service well done. For the illumined individuals, who have had our instruction and assistance and have not utilized it, practically, to the best of their ability, there is a karmic debt, for which you will have to render an accounting here on Earth during the planetary changes, before the Karmic Board, after passing through so-called death, and to the beings who have not been able to accelerate their consciousness and who, therefore, are among those who shall have to make such evolutionary progress upon the Polaroid so lovingly prepared for them, at this times. 

Blind faith, in the seen or unseen Powers of Light (or darkness) is not the Way of the Spiritual Wayfarer seeking his way back into Divine Perfection. ILLUMINED FAITH, which is my quality and gift to all life, IS THE CONSCIOUSNESS TO BE ATTAINED by all the chelas desiring to cooperate with us in this cosmic hour. ILLUMINED FAITH IN GOD'S GOODNESS and that of his Divine Emissaries and his embodied representatives is essential to permanent and lasting progress, for the individual, a collective unit, and for the very Planet Earth herself! Many good peoples, mistaking the human promptings of their own untransmuted karma or the fallacies, presented as God-Truth, by other unascended individuals, fall into the "subtle trap" of deception, from whence I and my Ascended Master Legions of Illumined Faith shall have to extricate them in due time!  

However, we are presently engaged in assisting those wise chelas who desire to assist us in this Planetary Evolution, to develop ILLUMINED FAITH IN GOD and HIS GOODNESS, so that they can, in turn, teach others to FEEL that FAITH and, through the power of constructive radiation, leave a heritage of Light to this and to generations yet unborn upon the Earth; particularly the Spiritual Beings who are the representatives of the Seventh Root Manu, known to you as the Great Divine Director, and the God-free Buddhas, who have voluntarily chosen to enter into embodiment to bless and love the Earth and her evolutions free. 

During this thirty day period (July 15th through August 14th, 1959) please, accept my Love and that of your so-carefully chosen Ascended Legions of Illumined Faith, from the God-free Angelic Kingdom, to give to you both my and their JOYOUS FEELING OF FAITH IN GOD'S GOODNESS, and then, practically utilize that Divine Feeling, carrying the Faith of God into the orbit of your own dear worlds! 

Your Sponsors for this month are glorious Angelic Beings of the First Ray, dressed in beautiful sapphire blue robes, golden of hair, blue of eye, and, by the measure of human stature, at least seven feet in height! These are real Beings, beloved ones they will bring you, in safety, to our Temple of Faith, wherein you can visit with us, imbibe our Faith, look upon the glorious sustained Flame of Illumined Faith, crystal in color, with a sapphire blue radiance, and become both a deliverer from human bondage in the world of form and a defender of the Faith in God's goodness wheresoever’s your physical vehicles abide! 

Come unto me, beloved I shall truly rejoice in your presence with us and we shall all be honored by your cooperation with us in our endeavors to set all imprisoned life free, permanently, from shadows of every kind and description! Thus once again, God-free Angels, illumined mankind, and a peaceful and cooperative nature kingdom, shall cooperate in the restoration of the Earth to a God Estate and the Beloved Ascended Master Saint Germain shall see externalized his Permanent Golden Age quickly! 

Thank you, beloved ones, and God bless the Light in your dear hearts which respond so quickly to our Presence and instruction!







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