Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin


Volume 7, No. 50                                                                                                    March 15, 1959


My beloved children:

In preparation for Easter week, I feel privileged and honored to offer the pages of The Bulletin to the address Beloved Mary, Jesus’ Mother, given on Ash Wednesday, 1959.

Love and Blessings,


Ashram of Maha Chohan, Ash Wednesday,

February 11, 1959.

Flourtown, Pennsylvania.

Beloved Mother Mary speaks:

"Dear beloved and blessed children of God who are presently walking the ways of Earth, as I did once long ago, it is my privilege and honor while many of the orthodox religions are placing ashes and dust upon the heads of the faithful reminding them that they have come from ashes and return to dust, for me to come to you and remind you again, again and again that you are 'some one', you are potentially a Christ, even as our beloved Ascended Master Jesus was and is, developing your God-powers for the blessing of mankind right here and now on this Earth plane where there is so much distress of every kind and of every description. 

I have loved that Christ within your hearts, creating for you the beautiful bodies into which you were born, not only in this embodiment, remember, but through all the embodiments which you have had since I have become your Cosmic Mother, I love you still with a mother's love. A portion of my message today is to remind you that the Lenten Season is supposed to be dedicated to the remembrance of the sorrows and disciplines of my son's life leading to the crucifixion on Golgotha and that many orthodox individuals connected with this season choose to dwell upon the crucified Christ whose image we are endeavoring to remove from the beauty of the Christian Dispensation and all of its very many avenues of expression replacing that by acceptance of the Ascended Christ! I say to you this day let this Lenten Season be a season of anticipation of a Resurrection, an anticipation of your own Ascension when your service in this world of form is completed.  

The dolorous activities that accompany the retreat of many of the peoples of the orthodox religions is entirely against the Natural Law which is a growing buoyancy and anticipation of Resurrection Easter Morn and the Ascension of beloved Jesus, which Ascension is all offered to you! We are a happy, joyous and buoyant, enthusiastic brotherhood and sisterhood and it is only the veil of time and the careful coloration of our original teachings from Jesus and myself and the early disciples and apostles who have glorified the 'crucified' Christ rather than the Living, Breathing Presence of Jesus as the example for each and every one of you towards which goal he intended to lead you two thousand years ago. Yet you have embodied again, again and again and, through Karmic Law and the acceptance of the various religions of the families in which you lived, you have not taken full advantage of that two thousand year cycle when you should all be, if not Ascended, at least partially self-luminous and self master over the Powers of God that are with you, the power of God acting through you to render Cosmic Service Divine. 

Beloved ones AWAKEN! to the true message of Easter, as a message of the Resurrection of the  good God in you, vitalizing the vehicles which you wear so that you may walk among the sons of men and be, at all times, their example and then, having completed your mission, accept your Ascension into the Light, becoming a Divine Being who is no longer required to embody here on this Earth. 

You have been told how the elementals mirror whatever they see. In my Temple of the Resurrection where I teach the elementals which form the first bloom of the springtime which again you will enjoy. We have had many, many experiences where the blessed little elementals would either mirror myself or any of their teachers rather than learning the Law of drawing into themselves the actual pattern of the flower, shrub, tree, or whatever the manifestation should be, sustaining it and externalizing it against the law of resistance and all of the riptides of human creation here on Earth, to give to the Earth a springtime crown of glory on the face of what has seemingly been during the winter Season a barren and lifeless Nature Kingdom. I say humankind are likewise mirrors; you mirror each other; you mirror your associates; you mirror even your selves from past embodiments and, until the day and hour comes, when you decide and consciously remove from your world that acceptance of mirroring the mass consciousness of old age, disintegration, decay, death and all of its ramifications and allow the Holy Christ Self within you to do, as it did within Jesus, the so-called miracles until you are self luminous, you are not fully God Free. (Note: If you live in Southern Hemisphere, reverse this message for your springtime). 

There are many God Free people who are unascended but they are strong enough, beloved ones, to refuse to mirror and accept the mass concepts of their contemporaries and all erroneous reports, televised and otherwise, and these individuals God Free allow the babe of Christ from within the heart, the Holy Christ Flame, as you are calling it at present, FREEDOM TO ACT NOW! Suppose that I had chosen to endeavor to hold back the actual physical birth... of my son. It was not at that time or place the most comfortable experience to go through alone with the exception of the beloved Saint Germain (Saint Joseph in that embodiment) but suppose I had mirrored the surroundings, discord, the laughing of the innkeepers, the very humble stable in which no son of God should have been born; suppose I had - and women can withhold birth for a time - done so. I would have destroyed the Perfect Divine Pattern and Plan and also impinged on the beautiful and perfect Jesus' physical vehicle my own willfulness. I allowed the tide of the Cosmic Moment to carry me forward until he was delivered - beautiful beyond compare. 

ARE YOU ALLOWING THE BABE OF CHRIST WITHIN YOUR HEARTS TO ACT - or are you holding it so tight within the confines of your emotional insecurity, your mental concepts, your etheric memories, your feelings and your reasoning powers THAT GOD ALMIGHTY THROUGH YOU, THIS DAY, IS NOT ALLOWED BIRTH IN THIS COSMIC HOUR? Think on this - whether you are a man or a woman - it is you, who, through free will, allow the Second Birth, the expansion of the Living Christ through you or you hobble along to your grave, having done some good BUT NOT ENOUGH. 

We have talked to you now for many years upon loosing the power of God to act through you. I, myself, time and again, here on this platform and elsewhere, have told you that the very arms you use can be the arms of the Holy Christ Self; that every step you take every action, every spoken word can be motivated by either the personality or the expansion of the Holy Christ Self. WHAT IN GOD'S NAME IS THE HOLY CHRIST SELF DOING MUMMIFIED IN STUDENTS who have, such knowledge of this Law locked up in mental accretion century after century, each individual awaiting someone else's accomplishment to externalize the Perfection, the Healing, the Peace, the Purity, whatever the God quality is required now? 

Oh, yes, I can be powerful, beloved ones. It is not my nature; my nature is the nature of Pure Divine Love, but such Love is powerful, one of the greatest powers in the universe, and any loving mother is powerful in her protection of her children. The lethargic mother allows the child to grow in lax ways, drifting through life without purpose and doing more harm than good to that individual. Oh surely I have loved beloved Jesus, but he was raised under strict discipline, the same as I, myself, was else he would have rushed off into some place of refuge when the great tests of life came! In love, I sewed the hem of his garment; though in love I taught him the powers of the Resurrection of the bird life and the plant life, and powerfully did I hold his Consciousness upon the Immaculate Concept for himself and all his senses looked upon and with all the power of my Being I endeavored to teach him not to 'lean' ever upon me or his blessed father. He grew to manhood; he became one of the greatest recorded examples of mastery of energy and vibration. Suppose knowing as I did of his future, I had coddled him through his early years and shielded him from the world and all of its many manifestations of evil, and then when his call came he had to look upon the leprous, and the blind, the obsessed, do you think the strength in his own lifestream then would have enabled him TO VICTORIOUSLY use the power of Christ and his Father in Heaven to render those so called miracles? NO!! He would have been among the ascetics that were in the hills of Judea. It takes strength to love and wisdom to love, constancy to love, in the Divine Way. As I raised Jesus, so have I endeavored to help to raise the consciousness of every blessed and sincere student but the peoples of Earth consider me a rather ephemeral delicate flower that grew in Judea. Ladies and gentlemen, it took all of the power of all the lives that I lived; all of the power of the Archangels; all the power of Lord Maitreya; all of the power of our beloved Saint Germain (as Joseph) to help me live that one life alone and it has taken, and is taking, all the power of my lifestream at this time to try to AWAKEN the outer mind of the chela to the Eternal Verity that Christ within them is not to be entombed but allowed to flow forth freely to bless all imprisoned life: Then you will not be caught unawares. In the preparatory process of the age through which I passed, I was taught through the very careful training of Jesus, that we were both prepared for service. He stood by the tomb of Lazarus where the laughing throng scorned him and the weeping family disbelieved and said with the power of his Immortal Divine Father "LAZARUS, COME FORTH!" And death yielded up the soul of Lazarus and he came forth! Would you attempt that now? I think not. Why? Because you haven't built the momentum yet through your own self conscious being to a point where even in small matters wherein you are tempted, through the outer personality, to perform even a menial service, to become still and then say "beloved Holy Christ Self in me, THROUGH ME ACT, NOW" and then have the patience to keep the tongue still, the feelings at peace, the mind from whirling about what you are going to do if Christ does not act through you then, when you do feel that Christ Power flow, you will KNOW whereof I speak. 

The student, earnest and sincere, calls to the beloved "I AM" Presence and the Holy Christ Flame during times of meditation and contemplation but when you come down to real issues, there is not enough time between the call to your "I AM" Presence and the Holy Christ Flame before the outer personality jumps right into the midst of discord to set things straight. Therein is an error of omission of acceptance of the Power of God within you to act. If you are going to use the name of the "I AM" Presence and the Holy Christ Flame; if you are going to accept that God Almighty is alive in the midst of you, can you not give a moment for the Christ, through you, to act before DASHING into turmoil? That Holy Christ Flame can and will handle harmoniously all conditions of a discordant nature when allowed to act through your free will. 

Now I know there are many unascended beings who are impatient; they are desirous to get things done; their motives are most magnificent; but you are delaying your individual progress, beloved ones, in not allowing this Holy Christ Flame - God in you - to act. If you will allow God in you to act, through you, you gain confidence. If you are wise, you will keep quiet about your manifestations, no matter how small they are, until they have been sealed at least for forty-eight hours in the Elohim of Peace's love and you will achieve a sense of self-mastery which is THE PURPOSE FOR WHICH YOU ARE IN EMBODIMENT! Why in God's Holy Name are you on the Earth today? To learn self-mastery over energy and vibration. 

As we enter into the great Lenten Season, I ask each and every one, during this forty-day period before you go dashing hither, thither and yon ON ANY VENTURE, no matter how menial. Practice calling the "I AM" Presence through you to act and then wait until you get the feeling that it does act; then you can do in five minutes what would take you hours, usually through the jumble and confusion of the human consciousness. It is the way to Mastery and Mastery is your reason for being here on Earth as wayshowers of those who live on Earth today, as well as those who are to come to the Earth in the future. 

Let your Light shine, my beloveds. Let your love pour forth: Let the God in you act! Refrain from hurry. Have patience at first. The most well grounded of students are often those who do not feel tremendous currents or see phenomena and they have the self deprecatory sense that after they have made a call nothing spectacular is going to, happen, like light shooting out from the body and they say 'oh, well, we'll go ahead and do it our way.' Our way (the human way) IS OVER! Someday, somewhere, every one of you who are listening to this subject will know that I speak the Truth. 

That is my message to you this morning. As you participate in your Communal Service let me remind you that it was I who gathered up the Cup from which Jesus and the disciples dipped their bread on that first Holy Thursday. It was I who wiped it dry and wrapped it in a linen napkin and gave it to Joseph of Arimethea for safe keeping and it was I who guarded it as we took it to Glastonbury: I think, very often, the Communion Service is not understood. It is taken only as gift of receiving the Nature of God, manifested through Jesus of course, which is true but that original Cup contained the Consciousness of the particular Virtue of every one of the disciples besides Jesus, consciously charged into it. It has the Immortal Activity of the Holy Christ Flame of Jesus in the Ascended Realm but it also has the Virtue that is in you and each and everyone amongst you who not only receive blessings from that Cup but give a blessing to that Cup and its Divine Essence. Receivers we have many. I ask you to bless the Substance yourselves with all of the Virtue and God's blessing in your own life stream so that everyone in this room who has a share in the Communal Service may have that good of your lifestream as well as that of Christ Jesus! 

I hope you do not feel I have been too severe; perhaps you would not have cared for me as a mother; but I must convey to you the Truth that Pure God Divine Love has a lot of positive energy in it; that is not domination but it is wisdom's use of power to enfold the object loved and bring it to its best expression. 

The beloved Maha Chohan in many a garden, watching the nature sprite, is a wonderful example to you; so is the physical Sun, the Water and the Earth; all contributing to bring to its best evolution the rose, the flower or whatever the harvest is despite the fungi and the various storms, yet they are positive. As Jesus said one long ago Easter Morning, 'If those Nature Spirits and our beloved Lord Maha Chohan were not DETERMINED ENOUGH, they would never get through the crust of the Earth in the springtime and fulfill their Divine Plan.' Or they would say, as my son said recently "One magnolia made it, we'll go back to sleep." ONE JESUS is not enough for the resurrection of ten billion peoples - ALL OF WHOM are destined to be the Christ. He is, of course, the magnificent example but he is only one Flower in God's Kingdom. COME OUT OF THE TOMB OF UNBELIEF INTO FREEDOM!"









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