Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 8, No. 9                                                                                                        May 31, 1959 

Beloved children, 

Within Life lies re-creation - the inherent desire to mould and to create. Have you noticed that even a little child prefers to build a house of blocks himself rather than have the most perfect miniature house presented to him? You know if a four legged table has one short leg, and if you were to place a handsome service upon it, it is apt to slip to one side and be deflected upon the floor. If just a single cup is placed upon the table it holds fairly steady, but were you to place on it a silver service and an entire dinner, the service would be too great for the table to uphold it. 

This is the way of human nature. Every individual has some weak point; no two are alike. Some persons, by contemplation, are bright enough to see their defects - these are very few however, I might add, because they see them through the deceptive veil of their own ego. The Ascended Masters have chosen to illumine certain students by pointing out these weaknesses, but only so that the greater Intelligence of the lifestream might build up those particular points. 

"Prepare thy table", my chelas, so that the gifts which you call for and which, because of, your earnest calls to the Ascended Ones, will most surely rest upon the top of your individual "table". So we must have a firm foundation lest all our gifts be dissipated. 

It is difficult to keep sustained the inspiration and devotion of souls clothed in the flesh, and I, myself will petition the Powers for an opening of the veil for every earnest chela who has become part of the Ascended Masters' Hearts, that even one glimpse of the Ascended Masters' Light may be accorded him, which will suffice to sustain his service to the end of his life-span on Earth. 

If you would choose, dear hearts, to join me in this invocation I feel that the Great Powers, who are kindly disposed towards my service, would concur, and thus for many of my faithful chelas the year Nineteen Hundred and Fifty Nine may be marked as the year of great enlightenment for them.