Thomas Printz’ Private Bulletin

A weekly Release of Esoteric Teachings


Volume 9, No. 1                                                                                                        April 3, 1960


Children of Light:  

"Upon the physical plane (or upon any other plane for that matter) every manifestation that exists must have a Primal Light Wave or a pulsation, and the first pulsation takes place at the command of a Self-Conscious Flame of Life Projected from the Universal First Cause "I AM". The fullest possible understanding must be attained by the chela that he is a pulsating Flame from God's Heart now that gives him all the Power of Creation. When through meditation, he realizes this, there is no such thing as an idle word, thought, feeling or action, for being at conscious oneness with the Holy Christ Flame - when he even raises a finger - God the "I AM Presence" acts and creation takes place. Therefore the God Flame-Conscious chela does not speak idly or think unhappily because he knows he would flood tons of energy into his individual world, which would take form, shape and color according to his most ephemeral gesture. 

If mankind could for a moment understand the power of the Creative Force that is wielded by even the most ignorant and ungoverned outer man he would be more careful of his expressed breath (words and actions) than of royal jewels. When an individual becomes a conscious conductor of the Ascended Masters, his own Energy is amplified a thousand fold in his words, thoughts, feelings and actions because they almost immediately manifest as conditions and things. 

I say to my chelas - accept no compromise from the appearance world. The unwavering stand held by each one for peace, health, opulence or any other good thing will draw these to you. You are sons and daughters of the Giver of ALL Good to this Earth, and you are one with the Heart that created every gold and jewel deposit on the planet! If you will affirm, insist and demand the release of that particular good required in your world, you will find it flowing quickly into your experience."

Love and Blessings,








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